You’re in S.W.A.T. or You’re Not

On newsstands any day now:

Great article by Ed Lawrence in the May issue of S.W.A.T. Magazine.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. “Before I took Todd’s class, I was only mildly quick and moderately peeved, now I’m…”

  2. I’ve always had the impression Todd was fast but I didn’t know he had anger management issues? I’ll have to break my self imposed rule of not buying gun rags anymore and pick up a copy. Congrats Todd!

  3. Tony,

    In fairness, S.W.A.T. is one of only two magazines I know of that review more training classes than firearms. (The other would be Concealed Carry Magazine.) I liked ’em both so much, I took the check. 🙂

  4. I hope Todd was using the “downgraded” -WORKING- Glock for the article. haha

    Congrats, Todd!

  5. Tam,

    I completely agree, SWAT and CCM seem to be two of the least bias and most objective gun magazines out there. I have a subscription to CCM and occasionally find myself enticed to buy SWAT because the training class articles seam so interesting.

  6. Anger management was resisting the urge to use a dremel when trying to remove some Glock floorplates earlier this week. Four armorers/gunsmiths all recommended using a vice. A vice! For floorplates!

  7. Well at least you won’t have to worry about them falling off when they hit the floor or when inserted. LOL

  8. RSA-OTC,

    I can hear Gaston now: “Zey say my floorplates pop off too easy? I’ll show zem!” 😀

  9. James V,

    This is what they taught us in the armorers class.

    Yeah, but it’s more fun to tell people: “Okay, with one hand, squeeze the mag body as hard as you can. Now, with your other hand, use a punch to depress the button in the floorplate. Okay, now with your third hand…” 😀

  10. Tony,

    I completely agree, SWAT and CCM seem to be two of the least bias and most objective gun magazines out there. I have a subscription to CCM…

    The best part about CCM, at least in my opinion, is that witty (and yet modest!) genius they have writing their back page column… 😉

  11. Dude, your famous, and they caught you demoing your secret point shooting technique. 😉

  12. Apparently I don’t know the difference between “your” and ” you’re.”

  13. I’m Pissed. Went to Barnes & Nobel this morning where I usually source SWAT magazine and all the had out was last month’s issue.

  14. SWAT is on the news stands now!!!!!!! Picked up a copy at Barns and Noble

  15. I can say, without any reservation whatsoever, that those were by far the best 6 pages of S.W.A.T. Magazine that I have ever read. I just wish I could think of a way to get an autographed copy…

    But seriously, that is genuinely awesome. Congrats!

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