Zimmerman: NOT GUILTY!



  1. I would imagine that given the choice based in hindsite, Zimmerman probably wishes he’d stayed home that night. The justice system worked despite being hijacked by community activism.

  2. This was a show trial that should never have happened. Thankfully the jury did its job and looked at the (lack of) evidence.

  3. This case had no winners.

    Just people who all lost in various ways.

  4. Mitchell:

    Most criminal cases, of course, have no real winners, but in the end the rule of law won here–solely because the jury did its job and recognized that there was clearly insufficient evidence to support the charges.

    Had that not happened, and had Zimmerman (a lifelong Democrat and Obama supporter) been convicted of doing something that the prosecution could not prove he had done, we would have returned to a form of mob rule.

    So I’d say that the people won here, because if they had been able to convict Zimmerman on this flimsy evidence they could pretty much convict any of us at any time so long as the mob demanded it.

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