100,000 Karma Winners

Congrats to the winners of the 100,000 Visitors karma contest.

Grand prize winner is G34 Shooter. He’ll be receiving a new pistol-training.com t-shirt.

Runners up will be winning a pistol-training.com hat:


  1. Pepper
  2. Adam
  3. Great Bison
  4. Redband D
  5. JLM


Thanks once again to all of the contributors who’ve helped make pistol-training.com a resource for our readers, and thanks to all the readers who’ve made us so popular so fast!

Train hard & stay safe!


  1. Thanks Todd! I will wear the shirt with pride only after I complete your class early next year…

  2. Free hat for me to cover up the Boom head shot. Love it and love the site.

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