100,000 Visitors

Less than a year after pistol-training.com came into existence, today we had our 100,000th visitor.

Thank you to every visitor, every contributor, and all of people who have supported us over the past eleven months. 

To celebrate, we’re having another give-away! Just respond with a comment to this post before 11:59pm on Friday 12-September and you’ll automatically be entered. No purchase is necessary. 

The winner will get a new pistol-training.com t-shirt.

Five runners up will win free pistol-training.com hats.

Good luck, train hard, and stay safe! ToddG


  1. 100,000 ….. wow way to go.
    What a milestone.
    Keep up the good work.

  2. Good job, even with less than a year in operation this is already the best resource I’ve found on the net.

  3. Congrats to Todd!
    Lots of valuable information on his site.
    Practicing his drills and exercises has proved to be very beneficial.

  4. Excellent site!! What a great resource for shooters looking to improve. Here’s to 200,000!

  5. Yeah, I need another shirt with a picture of a gun on it. No, really, I do. XL works for me.

  6. Todd,Is that a tactical yellow shirt to go with a tactical yellow visor?

  7. All the best to you Todd. As so many have mentioned already, Pistol-Training.com is a great resource, and I’ve recommended it to everyone I train and practice with.

  8. Whoo hoooo! Only nine tenths left on the road to the million mark.
    Very good site.

  9. Congratulations, thank you for the effort!! and my T shirt is Large please,

  10. grats on the website visit total. Too much belly for the tee shirt and ears to big for the hat (does mack truck with both doors open . . . ) congrats to you and keep it goin’

  11. Thanks for the website, and congratulations on the milestone. I’m in on the “lottery”…

  12. Free stuff from Todd and Pistol Training, count me in.
    Congrats on 100k visitors!

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