50,000 Visitors and Going Strong!

On Memorial Day, 26-May-08, pistol-training.com had its 50,000th visitor.

On behalf of everyone who has contributed to pistol-training.com over the past eight months, we would like to say thank you to all of the shooters, teachers & students alike, who have made us grow so fast in such a short time.  It took us six months to reach 25,000 … and just two more months to hit 50,000!

Thank you to all the contributors, subscribers, and comment posters who have created such rich content.  Without you, this site would be an empty shell.

Train hard & stay safe!  ToddG


  1. hi guys..

    i think this site is really cool. I got a lot of information on how to do drill from this site. Coz in Indonesia now APSC ( airsoft practical shooting competition ) similar to IPSC but using airsoft are more and more getting attention from Perbakin ( Indonesian Shooting Confederation ).

    I’m kinda new at this things but i think that the drill (mostly for fire arms) we can implement it on airsoft too…

    sorry for the bad english..



  2. Ponco — I guarantee your English is a lot better than my Indonesian. On behalf of all the contributors, thanks for your kind comments. Stay safe!

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