Back-Up Revolvers

For any match, I try to take at least one spare gun, set up exactly the same as my main piece. That’s pretty easy for me to do with most of my autos. If they are not identical, they are close enough for my purposes. For my upcoming revolver match, I only have one K-38. That may be a capital offense in and of itself, but it is what it is. I came to the 6″ game a little late, thinking I preferred 3″, 4″ and 5″ guns generally. On top of that, though a revolver has always been an important part of my shooting life, I never shot them enough in one go to really need an identical spare.

For the match, I have two guns I’m looking at as potential back-ups. A wonderful S&W M68 and a Taurus 6″ 66. You may wonder about those seemingly disparate choices, but hear me out. First of all, neither is ideal for accuracy at distance as they have colored ramp front sights. Both do have very good adjustable rear sights. They are both stainless steel, and both wear rubber stocks.

The Smith is an actual LAPD gun, as you can probably see from the picture, so not a lot of those being made anymore. The Taurus is a great training and hard-use gun, as it is inexpensive and easily replaceable. The M68 not so much. The Taurus has right at 1000 rounds though it so far, and has worked and shot very nicely. The M68 only has a couple hundred rounds through it. I will need to shoot each with my match ammo and then decide from there. If you have an opinion on this, let me know.


  1. I’ve been sulking since you discussed your model 14. I shot PPC with a model 14 back in the late 70’s. It is the gun I most regret selling. The gun was accurate, and the action was the smoothest I’ve ever owned. I carried it in a then unique “plastic” holster made by some guy named Rogers. Who knew that these plastic holsters would become the norm.

    As to your dilemma on a backup gun, the model 68 would seem to be the logical choice. I know some think that guns like the model 68 should be kept in the safe, I believe guns are not truly happy unless they are burning gun powder!

    1. Sorry to hear about your 14. I’ve sold one or two over the years that I regret also. Guns definitely need to be shot!

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