Beretta Gets a New Spin

What happens when legendary gunsmith Bill Wilson (not to mention the resources and expertise of all the other incredible  gunsmiths at Wilson Combat) take champion Beretta shooter & tuner Ernest Langdon and decide that it’s time to start a Beretta custom shop at Wilson Combat?


You get a lot more than a cool photo. You get Wilson Combat’s Custom Beretta 92/96 Work & Accessories.

I sense a 2015 endurance test gun in there somewhere…

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Using a Beretta 92 as the 2015 test gun is a little disappointing. It has a 30 year track record and its beyond thoroughly vetted.

    Nobody is going to learn anything new from this test.

    How about one of the Walthers, CZs, or FNs?

    Testing guns everyone knows are reliable is kinda pointless. The Glock 17 is reliable?? Stop the presses!!

  2. Actually, there is a big debate on whether the M-9/92 FS is reliable for long periods. Everyone agrees that they are accurate and reliable up to a point, but there are many who say that the trigger springs last only 5,000 rounds, and the locking blocks rountinely break–sometime in a potentially catastrophic fashion–far too early.

    I’d be very interesting in see how long it would take Todd to destroy a M-9/M-9A1. Will it last as long as his G-17 or will it have repeated locking block failures every 15,000 rounds?

    Even though it is using a sample of one, Todd’s torture tests have done a good job of pointing out the potential weaknesses in the various pistols he has used. With our military deploying hundreds of thousands of Beretta with little detailed study since they were accepted, I think using one as a test gun next year makes a lot of sense.

    No ultra cool double action only or G variant or anything like that, though. Only a true DA/SA with safety.

  3. Very nice news. I’ve tried, unsuccessfully, to purchase an LTT-tuned 92G Vertec from a friend to supplement my stock 92G Vertec, so to see Langdon attached to this is good to hear. I look forward to seeing a Beretta 15,000-round endurance.

  4. I’m with Caleb on this! I’m going to have to break out my 92 Elite and see what Wilson Combat can do to it.

  5. If it was just a standard Beretta 92, no of course its totally worthy for a test gun, but one tuned by Wilson Combat…that makes things much more interesting.

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