Bravo Company Stands Tall

While neither shooting- nor pistol-related, I felt this was important and hope that it will be copied, repeated, and shared by every gun owner.

Bravo Company Manufacturing has decided to cancel its new contract with the Milwaukee Police Department. Very shortly after winning the prestigious and lucrative bid to replace Milwaukee’s aging patrol rifles, Paul Buffoni — owner of BCM and Bravo Company USA — informed Milwaukee Chief of Police Ed Flynn of the decision. Flynn testified in favor of a new “Assault Weapon” Ban before the U.S. Senate, and Mr. Buffoni has chosen not to do business with a man who would seek to limit private citizens’ access to those same weapons.

Understand exactly what happened: Buffoni would have made a lot of money and continued to build his company’s reputation with the Milwaukee contract. Instead, he’s chosen to side with those who are more concerned about our nation’s Second Amendment. I hope we all keep that sacrifice and dedication in mind when we make our buying choices over the coming months.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

(H/T to JV at for posting the link that tipped its hat to Pat Rogers for reporting this on Lightfighter… whew!)


  1. That’s fantastic. I would happily give Bravo Company my money, assuming they had any rifles available to buy.

  2. I look forward to possibly buying a BCM rifle in half a year to a year.

    (not intended to be bitter :p)

  3. Bravo Company is awesome, as well as supporting the 2nd amendment in the USA they have also recently decided to sell thier products in canada thru oneshottactical, so not only are we canadians getting a great product we are helping to support you guys as well.

    Bravo to bravo company and thier stand.

  4. Wow. BCM is already my first stop for parts and rifles and this cements that position. Thanks Bravo Company!

    Time to go see what they have in stock…

  5. If all the companies had the same integrity and honor in supporting the US Constitution then they could effectively shut this down. This kind of man makes me smile. I said this to a buddy over a month a go. The gun companies and ammo companies can shut this down if they stand as one.

  6. Maybe they can get some barrels in stock soon!

    But I doubt it.

    Good for them.

  7. I will buy my next rifle from BCM. As soon as they become available. Thank you BCM.

  8. I believe Wilson Combat is doing the same thing. These companies will always have my business.

  9. Tim — while I certainly support and applaud the “boycott” manufacturers, I think BCM has gone far beyond that. This isn’t just refusing to sell in the future. BCM is taking a contract it’s already won — at significant expense in terms of both time and money — and ripping it up on the strength of its commitment to the Second Amendment.

  10. Yes! Knew I made the right choice with a BCM rifle last year. Glad my hard earned money went to people who value my rights and will stand up for them even when it hits them financially. Although long term, companies doing this will be much better off as they will no doubt be getting flocks of new customers because of this.

  11. Not only this, but BCM has maintained pre-hysteria pricing. I have and will continue to do business with these guys.

  12. Excellent!

    I have been very happy with BCM products and will be purchasing more in the future.

  13. Episodes like this show that some still put honor and principle before money.

    As for Chief Flynn, who was buying AR’s for his department while lobbying Congress to prevent other citizens from owning them, I have nothing but contempt. The idea that government employees have special rights is thoroughly un-American (and happily not embraced by most cops or military that I know).

  14. Thanks for posting. Based on this, I just contacted BCM about purchasing a rifle. I saw the interaction between Flynn and Senator Graham and found Chief Flynn arrogant and unprofessional. Really glad I don’t work for Flynn!

  15. Instead of picking a certain niche like the 2nd Amendment to show support for. How about these companies stand up for the Constitution as a whole and ban sales to any unconstituional Federal agency or group that is participating in unconstituional activities.

  16. I bought a BCM 14.4″ upper with a mid length gas system about 3 years ago when putting together my AR, in addition to a bolt carrier group from them. I am always surprised when I get questions from other guys with homemade AR’s about whether mine functions reliably! Of course, I didn’t build the upper, I bought it put together from BCM after reading all the great recommendations from people who obviously knew their stuff. I did have to wait a month or 2 until the one I wanted came in stock. Maybe the wait is longer now… I’d say it’s definitely worth it.

  17. oops, that would be a 14.5″ upper, excuse the typo… and a pws muzzle break with a spot weld.

  18. Bought almost everything from BCM when I built my AR. Great quality and I love it. I will continue my support of this great company.

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