Sighted: Another Unicorn
Unicorn. n. a mythical creature anyone who actually takes responsibility for making a safety-related mistake on the range It happened again today! Guy at the…
Unicorn. n. a mythical creature anyone who actually takes responsibility for making a safety-related mistake on the range It happened again today! Guy at the…
Another common error I see, especially among new shooters or old-but-untrained shooters is that they select a handgun based on caliber or, heaven help us,…
I know, I know. “Guns don’t kill, people kill.” Guns are still deadly weapons. And far too often, shooters seem to forget that fact. The…
Perhaps it’s just local, but the double-tap seems to be seeing a resurgence in popularity from what I’m seeing at the range. And that’s unfortunate.…
Fast! We all want to go fast! Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to be a speed demon. As mentioned here a couple years ago, there is…
Congratulations to the U.S. Military Academy (West Point) Combat Weapons Team for adding two more names to the F.A.S.T. Wall of Fame, during this past…
Five more names have been added to the F.A.S.T. Wall of Fame, all from this month’s class in Smithfield, NC: Adam Ward (6.88) Mike Adams…
My long-time friend Dr. David Armstrong has started a blog dedicated to gunfighting … and separating facts from myth. David brings a unique perspective to…
Three more Practice Sessions have been scheduled at the NRA Range (at NRA Headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia). Last month’s Shooting on the Move class…
Congratulations to the following students for achieving an Advanced score on the F.A.S.T. during Aim Fast, Hit Fast classes in August: Troy Morris (6.99)…