Class Warfare


If I may, I’d like to riff off something written by my friend Baxter at Gun Nuts not too long ago.

There are classes that are termed “tactical,” there are classes that are termed “competition,” and so on. To an extent, these classes usually do have differences. You’d expect certain rules to be taught or discussed at a USPSA-oriented class, for example. You’d reasonably expect a “tactical” class to discuss where hits on a threat have a serious effect (thoracic triangle & ocular window) and where they don’t (everywhere else).

But a problem comes in when someone wants to be better at one type of shooting yet only takes classes focused on other pieces of the puzzle. For example, you’ll often see guys who’ve only taken those “tactical” classes get their butts handed to them in competition- or technical-oriented classes. They may be able to do a 360 scan with their eyes closed (?) but if they can’t hit the target fast and accurately they’re never going to get to that step in the real world. Along the same lines, a guy who carries a gun every day but has only trained for gun games isn’t simply going to learn osmotically things about tactical movement, use of cover, and yes even that 360 degree scan.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking your favorite type of class is the only type of class you need. Unless, of course, it is. If you only ever pick up a pistol for bullseye competition then obviously you don’t need a combat warrior class or a USPSA class. But at the same time, if you’re that guy, don’t bust on the guys who want a more rounded shooting skillset. That’s one of the big problems I see these days: tactical guys who make fun of competition classes (“those gamers!“) and vice versa (“those tactical Teds/Timmies!”). This can be especially true of certain instructors who really only have expertise or exposure to one small part of the shooting world and need all their potential customers to desire that little slice more than all the others. They’ll commonly make fun of other types of classes (or other instructors) because they don’t want students to look anywhere else for training.

Any instructor who thinks he’s the only person with important or useful information should be avoided at all costs, in my opinion.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Any trainer who doesn’t encourage you to walk the earf and seek all kinds of training, and instead tells you his Kung fu is the only Kung fu, isn’t trying to teach you something, he’s trying to sell you something.

  2. Life is pain highness. Anyone who says different is selling something. -The Dread Pirate Roberts

    I get my ego dinged and my butt handed to me more often than not when I attend classes from different instructors, but I always manage to learn a thing or two from each of them. Thus far, none have attempted to explain theirs is the one true way.

  3. Funny, I actually ran into my first of these types of people not too long ago. I was told by X person (who shall remain nameless), that she wouldn’t give me any firearms training unless I exclusively carried and/or shot a Glock. I didn’t feel the need to look any further into training with that specific person.

  4. This phenomenon isn’t limited to the firearms world. I’ve heard more than a few professors talk trash about that “other department.” Everyone seems to think that “the other” skill set is just a diluted form of “the real” skill set.

  5. Chance, to be minimally fair, were the professors in question slagging the departments, or the disciplines? If it’s the disciplines, then your statement stands, and I quite agree.

    If it’s the departments, well, it could still be an unfair statement…but there are plenty of dysfunctional departments in the world. Ask me how I know. :-\

  6. In the firearms/Hunter world it alwsys seems like we are our own worst enemies.

  7. Absolutely, but your point is actually much more widely applicable:

    Any person who thinks he’s the only person with important or useful information should be avoided at all costs, in my opinion.

    Anyway, glad to see you posting again!

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