Dave Sevigny on Video: New F.A.S.T. Record

When we reported back on 7-Feb that Dave Sevigny (Sevigny Performance & Glock) shattered the F.A.S.T. record, many of you asked for video to watch him do it.

Dave was all too happy to oblige. An in the process, he beat his previous record. We’ve asked Dave to stop shooting the drill for fear that if he does it any faster it could disrupt the space-time continuum and annihilate the known universe. 

(cilck on image to visit Dave’s YouTube channel)

The break down this time:

Draw: 1.36 seconds
Split (3×5 card): 0.26 seconds
Reload: 1.40 seconds
Split (8″ circle): 0.20 seconds
Split (8″ circle): 0.16 seconds
Split (8″ circle): 0.18 seconds

Congratulations again on being FASTest, Dave! 


  1. When Dave shot at S&W IDPA he shot that way every match. During a low light shoot once he was so fast on a required reload those of us watching swore he was using a hi-cap mag and didn’t reload. He wasn’t and he did. His rhythm between targets was barely interupted by the reload. While maintaining the flashlight in his weak hand. Impressive.

  2. Boyscout — Years ago Dave and I were shooting in the same squad at the Carolina Cup and that same thing happened. The stage involved shooting a few targets from over the hood of a car, then moving to the rear of the car to engage a few more. Most people shot to slidelock and did a standing (kneeling, actually) reload at the rear bumper. Dave did a retention reload in the few steps it took him to go from front to rear. It happened so fast, someone accused him of doing a ghost (fake) reload. Dave probably won the match by 10 or more seconds … why anyone would think he’d cheat to save a few tenths is beyond me. Too many people judge what a shooter can do based on what they can do themselves. I’ve seen Dave shoot at dozens of major matches. He’s the first guy to admit if he makes a mistake or breaks a rule. Only an idiot would accuse him of cheating. Seriously, Dave needs to cheat at IDPA about as much as most of us need to cheat at turning on a light switch.

    Bryan W — No doubt, very cool indeed.

  3. I don’t believe that was real and I’d like him to come out to the Sacramento class to show us in person =)

  4. Todd – do you know what timer Dave is using? It looks well used, but I really like those big numbers!!!

  5. ToddG..Didn’t mean to say anyone thought he was cheating. I’ve shot with Dave enough to know he doesn’t work that way. I was just trying to explain how impressive his shooting was. I’ve SO’d plenty of matches, big and small, and seen big names try to stretch the rules, (that was too PC) I mean cheat. Dave was never one of those guys. I agree his skills are remarkable.

  6. god tonight, using a race holster and no concealment the best I could manage was 4.95. damn. one cold run at the start of the night with the whole crew doing it. then one later on spur of the moment was 5.05

  7. We showed this video in the shop to a couple of our regulars. The consensus was pretty much the same answer, every time it was shown: “…Wow…” That’s just great shooting.

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