Drill of the Week: Drawback Drill

Time to put everything we’ve worked on so far together into one drill: precision, speed, and the draw. We will begin with a close range target, hitting it as many times as we can in a given time. With each iteration increase the distance. Since our accuracy has to stay consistent, our speed will slow down as the distance increases.

The target will be an 8″ paper plate or 8.5×11 sheet of paper. You will need a shot timer for this drill. Set the timer to a PAR time of 4 seconds.

Beginning at a range of 5 yards, on the buzzer, draw and hit the target as many times as you can within the PAR time. If you don’t get a single hit, increase your PAR time by one second; if you get more than 6, reduce it by one second. Keep adjusting the PAR until you are getting 2-6 hits within the time limit. Once you have that dialed in, you won’t change it during the rest of the drill … keep the same PAR.

Now increase the range to 7 yards and do the drill again, using your PAR time. On the buzzer, draw and get as many hits as you can in the time limit.

As long as you make at least one hit, increase the range again by another yard or two and go again. Keep doing this until you cannot get a single hit on the target within your PAR.

Part of the trick to this test is that you need to slow down and focus as the target moves farther away. Many people want to stay at one speed, but you won’t hit the target if you’re still speeding along at your “5 yard speed” when you get to 20 or 25 yards. However, even when you need more time to get a good sight picture, your draw should not slow down. Draw fast, aim slow.

Why use a PAR time instead of just tracking how much longer it takes at each distance? Because the PAR time forces you to move at the gun & target’s dictated speed instead of your own. You cannot set the pace, the pace is set for you. All you can do is get as many hits as possible. If you think about it, this is realistic … in a fight, you won’t get as much time as you want, you’ll only get as much time as you have (whatever that ends up being).

If you find yourself throwing too many shots off the target, first clear your weapon and double-check it both visually and physically to be certain it is unloaded and then practice some slow dry-fire marksmanship. Get yourself back into the habit of a consistent, precise trigger press without disturbing your sight alignment. Then load the gun back up, move to a comfortable distance on the target, and start the drill again.

From beginning to end, this drill will help you work on your draw, accuracy, speed, and the need to “change gears” automatically as a target gets farther away.

Training with firearms is an inherently dangerous activity. Be sure to follow all safety protocols when using firearms or practicing these drills. These drills are provided for information purposes only. Use at your own risk.

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