Drill of the Week Reborn!

By popular demand, pistol-training.com and pistol-forum.com are bringing back the Drill of the Week… but this time, there’s a twist. Blatantly stealing from the Crossfit “workout of the day” approach, shooters are now invited to post their results from the drill at the appropriate pistol-forum.com thread. Each month, a shooter will be selected at random to win a prize. Maybe it will be a hat. Maybe it will be a free gun. Maybe it will be a fleet of Ferraris. You won’t know if you don’t participate…

You can read all of the rules here.

The first DotW has been posted and it’s a nice easy beginning that almost any shooter on any range can try: 25 Yard Slow Fire Marksmanship. There’s even a target you can download for free courtesy of Tom Jones.

Give it a try and report your results.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. The rules link and the 25 yard Slow Fire link both go to the rules. Can you fix the post or am I mistaken.

  2. Just go to the root forum ‘Drill of the week’ and click on week 1.

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