G34: Dominant Force

IDPA Headquarters just produced a neat little graphic on the Down Zero Blog that shows the breakdown of shooters at this year’s Nationals by class, division, etc.

The number that really stuck out to me, though, was 22%. That’s the percentage of competitors who were shooting Glock 34 pistols. And that number is actually misleading in a sense, because that’s 22% of the 344 total shooters. When you look at just the two divisions where the G34 is legal (SSP and ESP), it’s actually 31%. In other words, one out of every three shooters at the IDPA Nationals was shooting that exact pistol when they had the option.

Soon they’ll have to rename IDPA Nationals to GSSF-Level 2.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. No surprise really. The G34 fits the role perfectly.

    Almost like it was designed for it. 😉

  2. Speaking of Glock 34s, my Shaggy just arrived for a 34, I hope to have something to fill it by January. I guess I’ll be SWS’ing at the KSTG match.

  3. kind of like the cz’ed pistol in one of its iterations owning in IPSC Production class…

  4. I own a G35. I think it is better the my Glock 22. I wish I could use it for duty use. If I buy a 9mm Glock it would probably a G34. Both the G34 and G35 are great guns.

  5. Wesley,

    CZ does pretty well here as well. Six of the top sixteen at Production Nationals were shooting CZs this year. There was only one Glock shooter in the top sixteen.

  6. Yeah, but everyone knows the truth. The day of the G 34 and the CZ is rapidly passing. The Hi-Point is about to sweep them away into Marx’s ashcan of history.

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