Gen4 G17 Endurance Test Status

So it’s been more than two months since I’ve posted an update about the G17. Lots of people are asking, “What’s going on?”

The answer is pretty simple. A busy teaching schedule and various other projects have created some tough time constraints lately. Not only have I had less time to write updates, I’ve had less time to shoot. Very little shooting means very little to report, and since nothing spectacular has happened to or with the gun, I just kept putting the updates on the back burner.

The plan for now will be to write monthly updates. My goal is to get something up on the site during the first week of each month that details rounds fired and any problems experienced, highlights anything notable about how the gun is running (or how I’m running the gun), and offers ongoing thoughts or general impressions.

The first update will come next week, covering almost two months of shooting plus five classes taught in NY, CA, KS, and GA over that time.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Todd, you have used the 17 for a longer period than you did the p30 (I think). I know you were fond of the p30 (mona lisa comment), but which do you prefer AFTER shooting both substantially.

  2. Shawn — While there are some things I’ve done really well with the Glock, from a pure shootability standpoint I prefer the P30. From a safety standpoint, I prefer the P30. From a trust/quality standpoint, I prefer the P30. From an accuracy standpoint, I prefer the P30.

    From a reliability standpoint, I’d have to say they’re pretty equal, at least given my two samples. Both had a problem as-shipped, both got fixed, and both had very few problems after that.

    From an ease of maintenance standpoint, while the Glock needs maintenance more often it is extremely quick and easy. Every time you take the P30 apart, you need to call NASA for assistance… so that’s a point for Glock. There are a near-infinite number of choices for holsters, sights, and other accessories for the Glock, which is another advantage.

    Every time I fire my Glock, I’m increasing the round count on the prototype “Gadget” … and that’s the main reason I’m still shooting the Glock.

  3. I shouldn’t think this way, but your damn blog is motivating me to purchase both guns. 😉

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