Glock 17 gen4 Endurance Test: Week 10


14,292 rounds 5 stoppages
(+1 w/non-LCI extractor)
0 malfunctions 0 parts breakages

The G17 spent three days on the range this week, two teaching in Connecticut and one practice.

The Glock is beginning to aggravate the middle knuckle of the middle finger of my shooting hand. It got to the point today that I had to take a break from 2H and SHO work and do nothing but WHO shooting. After about 300 rounds of that, the middle knuckle of the middle finger of my left hand was screaming, too. But it was a great opportunity to work on my WHO press outs, which is something sorely needed with the seven pound trigger on my G17.

I shot a 90 on JodyH‘s 99 Drill today. For the first time ever, I cleaned the first stage (10 reps of 3 shots to a 3×5 at 7yd from concealment with a par time of 2.5 seconds). I dropped three shots on the reload stage, two at the 10yd stage, and an embarrassing four (out of nine) at 15yd. The misses at 15yd weren’t even close. I was either anticipating or doing something unspeakable to the trigger because two of the shots landed 3-4″ below the 3×5 target.

I’m definitely finding the orange-painted Heinie front sight much harder to lock onto visually than the Hackathorn front I’d been using. I’ll probably try to get my hands on a set of the new Trijicon HD sights next.

The G17 has gone just over 7,500 rounds since it was last cleaned and while it isn’t having any reliability issues the trigger pull has become gritty and generally insufferable. As such, I will break down and clean it this weekend… much as it pains me, at least detail stripping the Glock only takes thirty seconds.

I had thirty rounds left over at the end of today’s session and rather than go home with a partial box (which is the Eighth Deadly Sin, I believe) I did some stupid stuff:

  • A few years back I became obsessed with the ability to hit a 8.5×11 sheet of paper ten times from concealment in three seconds at five yards. It’s a nonsensical drill but it was something I wanted to achieve. It’s been quite a while since I thought about it but, well, I had that extra ammo today. So I gave it a try at 7yd and made all ten hits.
  • Having more ammo left, I tried getting ten hits on half a sheet of paper at 7yd in 3 seconds from concealment. Again, got all my hits. I was able to do this by folding the original sheet of paper in half because all ten of my shots the first time ended up in the bottom half of the target (anticipation, party of ten your table is ready).
  • Having ten rounds left — and not surprisingly, top half of the target without a bullet hole in it  — I tried doing it on a quarter sheet. Suffice to say I didn’t get all the shots off, didn’t hit all the shots I fired, and don’t think I’ll be trying that again anytime soon.

Between a Memorial Day cookout/shoot and one or two practice sessions this coming week, the G17 should see some good high round count use. The next weekend I’m off to Southnarc’s AMIS class which won’t involve any live fire but probably will involve me getting shot in the face repeatedly. Which means it’s probably good there won’t be any live fire.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

Previous Glock 17 gen4 Endurance Test posts at

  • Week 9
  • Week 8
  • Week 6
  • Week 5
  • Week 4
  • Week 3
  • Week 2
  • Week 1
  • 99.8%
  • It Lives
  • Week Zero
  • When Will It Stop?
  • Announcement


  1. My elder son gets some of that sore middle knuckle, middle finger and I never have. Never figured that out as it’s a common complaint.

  2. How do you find the Glock trigger? Have you made any changes to it since you bought it? How does it compare, in your experience, to other firearms such as the M&P?

  3. I have to “undercut” the trigger guard on my Glocks or my middle finger knuckles will get really torn up. Thankfully its about a 5 min job with a dremel and some sandpaper to clean it up.

  4. hit the submit button early.

    I’ve now got a very pronounced callous on my strong hand middle finger. But I find it only bothers me when I shoot my AR a lot, which in build up to Kens course, I’ve been doing. But it does suck when they start to peel and weep.

  5. What about some XS sights ,the Big Dot is a great sight fast pickup.

  6. XS Sights might be fast up close, but are hard to get good hits at distance…my guess is that ToddG won’t likely switch to those any time soon.

  7. Umm… Friction.

    As for the XS, that would be such a huge step backwards from the Hackathorn it’s not even worth discussing.

  8. I meant, is the trigger guard too low for how you hold the glock … would the “undercut” make any difference?

  9. The knuckle turns to callous. I’ve got one on my shooting hand.. Welcome to the club!

  10. The ridge on that top groove is perfectly positioned to dig into the bone of my finger. Drove me crazy until I discovered Mr. Dremel. Just have to flatten it just a little bit……

  11. Are you attributing the premature lockback in Connecticut to Operator Induced Error?

  12. I Dremel tool the underside and edges of the trigger guard on of all my Glocks and M&P’s in order to prevent/reduce this problem…

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