Glock 17 gen4 Endurance Test: Week 33

45,484 rounds 8 stoppages
(+1 w/non-LCI extractor)
0 malfunctions 1 parts breakages

While the test gun saw only two short range sessions this week, they further solidified my man-crush for the Lone Wolf 3.5 connector. Between live and dry fire over the course of a week, it’s smoothed into a very nice rolling trigger. Obviously, not everyone wants a rolling trigger — many Glock and 1911 aficionados seek the “glass rod break” as their Holy Grail — but for me, this has been working out exceptionally well.

My commitment to keep the Warren/Sevigny sights on my gun for a month has ended early. The orange-painted outline for the front tritium capsule wasn’t helping and, faced with the task of painting the whole front sight, I decided it was the perfect time to try something new. Also, after just a couple weeks, the razor-sharp Warren sights had already cut holes in a couple of my shirts!

The sights I have on the gun now are {confidential not for public disclosure at this time} from Ameriglo. While not perfect, I’ve got to admit that the {confidential not for public disclosure at this time} worked better for me right out of the gate than any other sights I’ve tried this year. They’re a more traditional design than the Trijicon HD (which I still think are fantastic) but with a much more high-visibility front sight than… well, than anything I’ve ever used before in my life other than fiber optic and electronics. Hopefully, their public release will come soon and I’ll be able to discuss the {confidential not for public disclosure at this time} at that time. I’m not completely decided on which color I’m going to use yet.

Passing the 45,000 round mark this week meant a major maintenance/parts replacement cycle. So not only was the pistol cleaned, but the following parts were swapped out for new:

  • recoil spring assembly (0-2-4) — performed every 7,500 rounds
  • trigger spring — performed every 15,000 rounds
  • slide lock spring — performed every 15,000 rounds
  • firing pin block spring — performed every 15,000 rounds
  • mag catch spring — performed every 22,500 rounds
  • striker spring — performed every 22,500 rounds

Tip of the hat to the great folks at for having everything in stock including the latest revision recoil spring assembly. They were quick to respond to my queries and equally quick getting my order shipped to me. I’ve got enough spare parts to get the G17 test gun past the 100,000 round mark now!

Also replaced this week was my Vickers Tactical Slide Stop. After 45,000 rounds — which is well past the recommended replacement cycle of the stock part — the spring apparently broke. I say “apparently” because the part was actually operating in the gun acceptably. But when it was removed during the 45k maintenance I saw the broken spring and decided to chuck it rather than wait to see if/when it began to impair function. I even considered just swapping a standard Glock slide stop spring onto the Vickers version, but even the spring and its method of attachment to the part are much improved on the VTSS and there was no practical way to make the switch. I’ve got another VTSS on the way.

In the meantime, I’m running a Glock extended slide stop and much to my surprise, it’s not causing me any trouble. The change in my grip angle and reach thanks to the Grip Force Adapter seems to be protecting me against the inevitable inadvertent premature lockback I normally get with the extended Glock part. Thanks to JV for the loaner slide stop. The only extended slide stop I had in my bench drawers was the old 2-pin version!

Hopefully, next week will involve some more detailed testing with the new Ameriglo sights and permission to discuss them and post photos. See you then.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

Previous Glock 17 gen4 Endurance Test posts at

  • Week 31
  • Week 30
  • Week 29
  • Week 28
  • Week 27
  • Week 26
  • Week 25
  • Week 24
  • Week 23
  • Week 22
  • Week 21
  • Week 20
  • Week 19
  • Week 18
  • 25,000 Rounds with the G17 gen4
  • Week 17
  • Week 15
  • Week 13
  • Week 12
  • Week 11
  • Week 10
  • Week 9
  • Week 8
  • Week 6
  • Week 5
  • Week 4
  • Week 3
  • Week 2
  • Week 1
  • 99.8%
  • It Lives
  • Week Zero
  • When Will It Stop?
  • Announcement


  1. Todd… could you please describe exactly what a “rolling trigger” is and/or feels like on Glock pistol, and how it improves your shooting? What are its characteristics? Thanks a lot.

  2. Chris — Essentially, it’s similar to a lightened DA revolver. Instead of having a lot of weightless slack that ends in a very hard, discernible break it instead rolls through the break with less of a defined “the gun is going off at this millisecond” feel.

  3. Oooh… I think I’d like that. The one thing I don’t care for in the Glock trigger is the “2-stage” feel of it (the light take up and then the heavier part at the end). So you’re using the NY1 trigger spring with the Lone Wolf 3.5 connector to get this rolling trigger you like so much? Everything else is stock?

  4. Chris — I’m using a standard trigger spring and the LW3.5 right now. For my gen4 pistol, it gives more of a rolling break than stock but it’s not perfectly without a break point. It would roll even more with the NY1 spring, but the overall feel of the trigger pull was degraded in my gun for some reason.

    Ordinarily I’d suggest trying it before you buy, but the LW3.5 is cheap enough — and you can probably sell it for close to what you sink if you decide you don’t like it — that it might be worth trying.

    There are also other companies that make 3.5 connectors (Ghost, Vanek, etc.) and I’ve not tried those for comparison.

  5. We had the same problem with the rear Warren sight being sharp — Charlie bumped her forearm over my M&P when we were out hiking, and cut her forearm open.

    I am thinking the rolling trigger would be a real advantage on support hand only shooting?

  6. I love the 3.5 lb connector and the rolling break. However, I really would love to try a more “glass rod break” but the standard 5.5 lb connector on a gen 3 g17 is too heavy for me. I would love a glass rod break with something a little lighter…any suggestions anyone? I’ve yet to find one.

  7. Todd, your past two endurance pistols had Heinie sights. I understand that a likely reason was absence of viable alternatives, but I am curious why you’ve not tried them on Glock (or have you?). You’re obviously well tuned into the sight picture they offer.

  8. I’m surprised he hasn’t tried the 10-8 performance sights, yet.

    I’m pretty in love with them, and have wondered what Todd thinks of ’em.

  9. Is there a reason you don’t use the Glock OEM ‘-‘ connector and standard trigger spring? Too light for peace of mind with appendix carry, perhaps? Or is it not rolly enough?

  10. You like DA revolver trigger = your next test gun must be Sig p250. It’s my dream gun (i have a M&P9 Pro, and had a HK P30)

  11. ARRRRRRRgggggggggggggg

    Damn it. I’ve been using the Ameriglo Pro read and the orange ringed front for awhile now, I want to get a few more sets for my other Glocks and I consistently can’t catch them in stock.

    Now I am teased by a mystery sight, one that I also have to wait for.

  12. I just bought a pair of the HD Sights…now Todd finds something better.


    1. Not coincidentally, I heard the Mitchell, Esq. bought a pair of HD sights and decided I needed to find something better asap.


  13. Todd,

    Any experience with the Scherer connector? Ive tried them all and found the LWD – connector to be the “crispest” of them all. The scherer provided ME the best rolling break without the typical mush associated with the factory – connector.

    Just some food for thought since you seem to be in an experimenting mood lately.

  14. CDI — I’ve not. I’m considering getting a handful of different connectors to do a little comparison test in the future.

  15. Not to rub it in…I saw the sights, they are interesting. I just wish more manufacturers supplied sights for HK…so yeah I’m jealous of you Glock guys.

  16. Todd, do you find that with the 3.5 connector the trigger begins to feel similar to the m&p trigger? (i might be one of those few unlearned/uncultured people that likes the mushy rolling m&p stock trigger)

  17. Todd, Unless Rick has another trick up his sleeves, I was running these new Ameriglo sights on my Glock 19 in Indianapolis. Yellow front ring w/ tritium, serrated black rear (no marks). Since then the yellow ring fell out of the front sight (and I actually started shooting better).

  18. iakdrago — In a sense. The M&P has more of a “single action with mushy break and indistinct reset” feel to it, while this is a little more refined.

    Halodog — Not the same sights.

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