Glock 17 gen4 Endurance Test: Week 35

48,457 rounds 8 stoppages
(+1 w/non-LCI extractor)
0 malfunctions 1 parts breakages

It was a busy week. First, Jack Leuba of F2S Consulting & I taught the Free Veterans Day Shooting Clinic, sponsored by SKD Tactical and Ready Tactical. That was followed by two full days of practice with friends at the range. It was cold, it was warm, it was rainy, the gun never saw any extra lubrication or cleaning… no stoppages.

Putting in three straight days on the range with awesome shooters quickly reminds you that nothing improves your shooting like shooting with good shooters. Folks like Jack and JV push you to your limit every time you draw your gun. Let’s face it, we’re competitive by nature. When you step up to the plate rack, or a dueling tree, or any timed/measured drill it’s not practice anymore. It’s time to get dialed in and deliver… or fail.

We shot the Drill of the Week (“typewriter“) a number of times:

We also ran the F.A.S.T. each day. For the first time I can remember, I got two back to back sub-5 second clean runs on camera:

The sight combination I mentioned last week is serving very well. In strong sunlight, the orange dot is almost too bright. The first drill I ran outdoors had me literally blinking and turning my head away because my eyeballs were unprepared for the assault. But as the weekend went on, just about everyone in our practice group gave them a try and there are a lot of guys looking forward to these being released. AmeriGlo, I think you’ll be hearing from a lot of P30 owners between now and SHOT, too.

A couple of shooters also borrowed the backup gen4 G17 and put a combined 611 rounds through it, bringing its total round count to 1,261 with no stoppages so far.

As you can see, the test is almost to the 50,000 round mark. With just a couple of weeks to go, we’re faced with a tough decision. Keep going or move on to something different?

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

Previous Glock 17 gen4 Endurance Test posts at

  • Week 34
  • Week 33
  • Week 32
  • Week 31
  • Week 30
  • Week 29
  • Week 28
  • Week 27
  • Week 26
  • Week 25
  • Week 24
  • Week 23
  • Week 22
  • Week 21
  • Week 20
  • Week 19
  • Week 18
  • 25,000 Rounds with the G17 gen4
  • Week 17
  • Week 15
  • Week 13
  • Week 12
  • Week 11
  • Week 10
  • Week 9
  • Week 8
  • Week 6
  • Week 5
  • Week 4
  • Week 3
  • Week 2
  • Week 1
  • 99.8%
  • It Lives
  • Week Zero
  • When Will It Stop?
  • Announcement


  1. Move on. I’m a die hard GLOCKer but I’m ready to see you wear something else out now.

  2. My vote would be to keep going until failure and then to start up with a Walther PPQ

  3. Take it to at least 100K.

    I’m anxiously awaiting the release of those sights, I definitely want to try a set.

    Regarding shooting competitively … you ability to continually step up and deliver a consistent solid performance never ceases to amaze me.

  4. Move on… there’s nothing surprising about a Glock getting shot to hell. (the start was surprising, but everyone knows about Gen4s now)

    I think you should become a revolver shooter, personally.

  5. I would like to see how much longer the Glock can go. However, I’m anxious to see what you begin working on a different platform.

    You’ve tested guns with the LEM and “Safe Action.” Maybe you can test a gun with a TDA, another type of DAO like the DAK, or (Dare I say it?) SAO. Ha! The pistol-training endurance gun for 2012 (here it comes)…a 1911!

    An aside…Does Sig have a DAO other than the DAK? Some US Postal Inspectors were at the range last week with “specially made for the USPS” P229’s. They claimed that Sig made them with 6 lb DAO triggers. I didn’t get to handle them, but they supposedly had a lighter trigger than the P250. Have you heard of such a thing?

  6. PS – The only thing that would shock me more that a 1911 endurance gun would be a revolver.

  7. Keep going with the G17. We know that the previous generation 17’s can last forever, but is that case with Gen 4’s? We don’t know.

    (Of course, if some intelligent company wanted to pay to sponsor a new test–well that would be different. But how many intelligent gun companies are there?)

  8. If it were a vote, I’d vote move on to a new gun. I don’t see much left to prove. If something breaks at 75K rounds . . . so? It’s 75K rounds. The gun seems to show next to no wear, it’s boringly reliable (since early extractor replacement) and it can be shot fast as heck. I think the PPQ nomination was a good idea. Or a CZ-75. 😉

  9. Actually, going “old school,” going with a revolver does have a certain appeal. Todd G. with a Ruger GP100 or S&W would be an interesting change of pace. Admittedly, getting to a 50K round count might be a bit harder or longer than with the semi-autos, so 25K would be acceptable. You could get ignore the 5 second F.A.S.T drill, unless someone from Louisiana, named Jerry, calls.

  10. Todd, run that G17 for another 50K rounds with no maintenance! If you want to choose another gun, then why don’t you pick up something more “classic” like a CZ-75/85 or a 1911? It would be really nice to see how these compare to more modern polymer handguns. Even a J-frame revolver (S&W M&P 360 for example) or a SIG P238 would make this test much more interesting. If it “has to be” polymer, a PPQ!

  11. Keep going until it dies. The HK fanboys and the Glock fanboys need a clear winner.

  12. Keep shooting your Glock until you get the Gadget out and on the market for all of us.
    It does mean that if “Gadget for Masses” never happens, you’re shooting that Glock for the rest of your life.

  13. If the revolver thing doesn’t work out, I’d actually love to see a SIG or factory-custom 1911. Just to satisfy my preference for metal firearms. (Also, I’m considering a SIG for my next purchase, which will be my first ‘serious’ handgun)

  14. I also would like to see you go to 75K rounds. For the next gun I would recommend a more compact gun like the Ruger LCP or something similar. You have done many full size guns; how would a sub-compact compare?

  15. PPQ would be nice, to see how it stacks up against its competition.

    A new Sig would also test the quality control that “plagues” Sig USA.

    But regularguy has a good idea with a Ruger LCP, considering this whole .380 craze.

  16. I’d like to see the G17Gen4 go at least 75k. As far as the next test gun, it would be interesting to see something in .40 as so much is always said about how .40 guns wear out/break quicker. Maybe a test of an M&P, P30, G22 in .40 to compare against the data of the 9mm versions you previously tested.

  17. I’m ready for something new. Glock is expected to make it 75 – 100K. Unless you can get there in the next week or two. Although, I can wait till the end of the year.

    So … what would I like to see next? Perhaps something from Springfield (XDM). A 1911 would be very interesting. (Your maintenance costs will go up. haha) Or maybe something a little less common like a Walther or Taurus. With the popularity of the compact/sub-compact guns, it would be very interesting to see how one would hold up to hard use.

  18. The Gen4 17 is working well for you and you trust your life with it. Keep going until something comes along that you want to carry and put through the test.

  19. In the second video the angle provides a great example of your press-out……good stuff.

  20. For the guys who want to see a .40 S&W test, I think we would have to chip in and pay for Todd to have elbow replacement surgery after the test.

  21. Not that I expect Todd to do a 1911 test, and not that I thing Springfield Armory has the ‘nads to do it, but the Springfield PC9111 Professional is often touted as the lowest-end “Good To Go” 1911.

    It’d be interesting to see how one did with half the intertubes watching.

  22. How about a Springfield Professional Operator? You can pretend it’s not a .45… Even just to 25,000 rounds would be interesting.

  23. Todd,

    I’d like to see an evaluation of the PX4 Storm, full size, type F.

    I’d like to see someone ring this pistol out.

  24. My vote FWIW is to move on at 50k and test something really different (compared to past tests) like a DA/SA Sig P226/P229 … I am particularly curious as to how the platform might affect drill results (if at all) and also would really like to see someone put a newer Sig through the ringer. 🙂

    The FN FXP-9 might be another good choice.

  25. I’m ready for something different. Like Tim, I’d like to see you wear out a P229R 9mm in DA/SA.

  26. Keep going, at least 100K, I want to see if the Glock can keep it up. I would like to see a sig 229 in 40cal. or a 1911 ran through your hands. The sig to see if its really a tough as claimed, and the 1911 just for grins because I have no idea how it will do. Kimber or Springfield TRP. Keep up the good work.

  27. I think Todd or any other man with a pair can master the .40 cal. It’s not the hand cannon every one tries to make it out to be. The pressures are very similar. I would like to see a Sig p2022 regardless of caliber.

  28. I’d say run the gun to failure or PPQ, you already have ties with S&W, it’s a new wonder gun, similar to a much beloved gun of pistol-forum, the HK-P30.

    I mean let’s be honest, you’ve got a Grip Force Adapter, the trigger bar, spring, connector, etc, you’ve replaced the extractor, magazine springs, replaced the RSA, you’ve replaced the ejector in the Glock.

    I think we’ve seen what it takes to make a Glock Gen 4 run, and I think in the not too distant future, let’s say 20,000 to 30,000 rounds, your going to see it hit the end of it’s service life, and the frames going to crack, etc, but I think he’s transformed it into a pretty workable gun, honestly.

    I will say this though, to draw parallels to this gun and the P30, I mean… really? Three Factory services, one or two broken parts and an out of spec trigger spring? “Yeah they’re head to head” What reviews have you been following?

    Most of the resolutions are non-factory parts for the Glock, the biggest complaint about the HK P30 was accessories availability, sights, and complication of disassembly.

    I’d be interested to see the PPQ, I think that it shows a lot of promise. The only reason I could see you not reviewing it is, A) You’ve already worked with S&W, B) It’s very similar to an HK P30 and you’ve already used something very similar.

    I don’t think there’s an appreciable enough difference between 9mm and .40 S&W to merit a test of the same firearms but just in another caliber. I’d like to see the PPQ, or something equivalent grade to what you’ve been doing.

  29. er, I meant to say ‘FNX-9’ as an alternative … I’m FN sorry ;-p

    A serious test of the Sig P229 SAS Gen 2 really appeals most to me, though… in comparison to the Glock and P30 it seems the most ready to go out of the box for carry with a very good DA/SA short reset trigger and night sights as standard. Yeah, Glocks are considerably cheaper but require a lot more “tuning” to get to a good (reliable) place. The P30 is comparable in price but IMO needs trigger work to be on par with the Sig trigger out of the box and don’t get me started on the lack of quality night sight options (vaporware Ameriglos notwithstanding…)

    Honestly, I’m almost trying to talk myself out of buying the P229… but am not doing such a good job. 😀

  30. I would like to see a Sig P226R DAK 9mm.

    Why? It is what we have at work and we have had numerous front sights fall off with limited use. Mine came off under 2000 rds. I am just over 6000 rds now and have had a few fail to extract (hard malfunctions). It would be nice to see a short time frame – high round count test and see how it compares to the other pistols.

  31. Move on.

    Glocks are great pistols and I own three, but this is becoming boring. The whole world already knows they work.

    I vote for a complete change of direction…revolver. How about 25,000 rounds through an SP-101? Maybe in the new. 327 Federal Magnum chambering.

    Just a thought.

  32. How about a P2000sk for a compact or a P30LS V3(DA/SA and note the LS) I don’t recall a single Test gun having a manual safety.

    To be honest, I don’t care what it turns out to be, We’ll still tune in to see what happens next.


  33. I’d prefer to see you stay with Glock, but move to another Glock/caliber-such as the Gen4 G31 in .357 SIG, or the new Gen4 G21 in .45 ACP.

    The G31 test would be interesting in at least 2 aspects: 1) To see if the new nested recoil spring assembly does overcome the longevity issues inherent to the previous Gen 3 G31, and 2) To see if the new Gen4 package imparts more control over a higher-pressure cartridge like the .357 SIG. I’ve long thought that the biggest real beneficiaries of the Gen4 changes (especially the dual nested recoil spring assembly) would be the .40, .357 SIG, and 10mm chambered Glocks; it would be interesting to see how this premise is fulfulled during a Todd Green test.

    I’ve similarly felt that despite its significant market success that the G21 has long been under a bit of a cloud since the infamous Larry Vickers “sandbag test” conducted many years ago, and with an early G21. Multiply modified by Glock long since, and even more so with the inclusion of the Short Frame then the and Gen4 treatments, it would be interesting to see how it does, and would be an interesting bookend to your HK45 test.

    Best, Jon Stein

  34. I think a summation of the test at 50k would be a good source of info for gen4 owners on what they can do to get reliable performance from their guns.

    I’d like to see a test of a P229 in 9mm to see how much of a difference DA/SA makes in running a gun from both a subjective and objective POV.

  35. I vote to move on to something else. As someone said, if something breaks at 75k rounds, what does that prove really prove? It has 75k rounds after all.

    I vote for a CZ.

  36. Move on to the Walther PPQ. You’ve provided enough data to Austria for them to make the necessary tweaks.

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