Glock 17 gen4 Endurance Test: Week 9

12,740 rounds 5 stoppages
(+1 w/non-LCI extractor)
0 malfunctions 0 parts breakages

Plans to run a Hackathorn Standards this past week did not come to fruition, but a couple of decent practice sessions as well as a small class for some new shooters helped keep the gun well exercised.

Two days on the range meant two days of FAST drills.

Saturday 14-May

  • 4.74 (c): 1.52, .43 / 2.01 / .26, .25, .47
  • 4.86 (c): 1.57, .53 / 1.99 / .29, .24, .24
  • 6.44 (-1H): 1.52, .37 / 1.87 / .23, 23, .22

Tuesday 17-May

  • 4.52 (c): 1.59, .36 / 1.96 / .21, .20, .20
  • 4.51 (c): 1.67 ,.35 / 1.92 / .19, .18, .20
  • 5.97 (-1h): 1.37, .33 / 1.71 / .20, .19, .17

That last 3.97 run is pictured at the beginning of this post, with the initial head shot just a bit outside high and right. Two trends worth noting. In both runs, after getting two good sub-5 clean runs I pushed myself too fast on the last one and blew a head shot. Also, the strings of fire on the second range session are all noticeably faster… I was alone on the range that evening with no pressure compared to the Saturday shoot with a bunch of good friends and students.

The combination of a Heinie serrated front tritium sight and Ameriglo i-dot rear is working relatively well for most things. However, the thin front sight has enough room in the rear notch to be visible at times when breaking a shot on a normal sized medium range target will result in a miss. So I may put a Sevigny one-dot rear on the gun to see if that works out to a better combo.

Also, after fourteen weeks I finally have the replacement for the gen4 Glock 19 I shipped back to Smyrna in February because it was having reliability problems. Ironic that I was able to buy and troubleshoot the test G17 in a fraction of the time it took Glock to send me a second one as replacement for my first unreliable 9mm gen4. Oddly enough, the “new” G17 has an older serial number and a born on date from a year ago. It also has the non-recessed spring box (what Glock calls a flat nose ring) just like the test gun. While that is technically not desirable, in my case it’s a happy coincidence because it means I’ll only need to inventory one type of recoil spring assembly for both guns.

I’m teaching in Connecticut this weekend and will hopefully get one or two practices in between now and the end of Week 10, as well. Check back next Friday!

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

Previous Glock 17 gen4 Endurance Test posts at

  • Week 8
  • Week 6
  • Week 5
  • Week 4
  • Week 3
  • Week 2
  • Week 1
  • 99.8%
  • It Lives
  • Week Zero
  • When Will It Stop?
  • Announcement


  1. After you put the Warren sigle dot rear on, try the Ameriglo Hack front again. I know I know. Hitting high. 😉 Try it. I think that combo is special. lol

  2. Thanks Todd, they still have old stock on hand. I have a PFD with a shell casing dated Feb of 2010 and a PSS with a shell casing from July of 2010. Odd that they still had PKY in the system.

  3. So let me get this straight… Glock replaced your G19 with a G17? How does that work? Did they give you a choice?

  4. I am wondering if you the original extractor remained in the gun if it would still be operating incident free since the swap. I have a G17;that did have issues the first few hundred rounds of my G17gen4 and I did considered calling Glock. After a couple of hundred rounds it going incident free for about 5K rounds. I attributed this issue to a bad magazine. Let face the fact; it is a mechanical device prone to failure and needs break end period. Just as brand new car that breaks down within the first month. We have all seen or heard of this happening. I own 4 glocks, M&P, Sig, Taurus, browning, XD, Ket-tec, smith & wesson& browning. It really disappoints me for Glock.

    Todd, thank for the true updates.

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