gadgetglowThanks to a Mr. Anonymous (which is clearly the most common surname on the Internet) and his contribution toward a pair of Gadgets, the Gadget Striker Control Device campaign on Indiegogo has already met its original goal in less than two days!

Again, Tom and I want to thank all of the contributors and supporters who have made this possible as well as the testers who spent so much of their time (and ammo budgets!) putting Gadgets through more than 300,000 rounds of shooting.

Thanks to this huge outpouring of support, Tau Development Group would like to announce another announcement that will be announced Soon™ that should make all of the contributors so far very happy. Watch here for the announcement of the announcement as soon as it is announced. Soon™.

The Indiegogo campaign has not ended. Please let your friends and fellow shooters that there are still Gadgets to be had as long as they make their contributions (and claim their perks) in the next 43 days. No matter how many Gadgets get committed through this campaign, they will all be produced and delivered as part of the first production run.

Train hard & stay safe! TomJ and ToddG


  1. I stupidly did not realise I had to select a perk to get a Gadget so I just clicked the Contribute button. Can you add me to the Perk list ? My femoral artery would really appreciate it.

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