Greatest Hits

How have I never seen this before today?

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Anyone know the background to the 2nd half where they look like they’re in a ballistics lab of some kind?

  2. It’s funny that they almost all fall into three categories:

    * Pistol grip shotguns
    * Getting smacked in the face with a scope
    * Tiny women with giant revolvers


  3. Was that a Javelin that just sort of plopped out of its tube at 1:22?

  4. The guy who catches the gun in the process of being dropped at 3:16 is amazing!!!!

  5. I laughed and cried, and I hope the guys that handed those big guns to the girls for a laugh are still sleeping on the couch.

  6. I love Tim’s falling down and firing a round (near the begining). I still wonder where he is now (anyone remember

  7. The pistol grip shotgun almost always results in a punch to the face when boneheads buy one to show off with.

  8. Josh – I have seen that vid before; I think it was a Dragon.

    If this video taught me one thing, it’s that stupidity and negligence transcend race, culture, and nationality.

  9. Yup, seen it. Some of those are funny…like the barrel of that .50(?) falling of. But most of them just scare me. The majority of those people shouldn’t have guns.

  10. Sadly this is probably what the anti gun culture feels is a representation of the gun owning public. No matter what mixes with stupid, you still get stupid in the mix. Self inflicted injuries are also a good way to bring new shooters into the sport 🙂 Especially when introduced by such knowledeable folks as seen in the video.

  11. I only made it about a minute in.

    It mostly just pisses me off.

    Hey, wanna create another antigun voter? Hand your new girlfriend who’s never shot a BB gun before that S&W .500 Magnum snubby and then have all your buddies laugh about it on YouTube then the hammer spur opens her forehead up like a pillow case.

    Good work, Cletus. Please stay off my side.

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