Gun World Magazine

The Green Family telephone tree has been ablaze the past couple of days because a relative in Iowa read a copy of Gun World and says there is an article about me (or at least mentioning me) in there somewhere. The article seems to be related to the Rangemaster Tactical Conference and the fact I won the annual Polite Society match there this year.

None of the big chain bookstores in my area — Barnes & Noble, Borders — carry Gun World, though they seem to carry every other gun-related magazine I’ve ever heard of (and plenty I haven’t).

If anyone out there happens to read this magazine, I’d love to know which issue the article is in so I can track down a copy or two.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. I recall reading it and have it at the house. I will check when I get home for the date. You are welcome to my copy as I have WAY TOO MANY gun magazines (reading type) in the house.

  2. Jeff & Tom — Thanks, guys. All I need is the publication date and I’ll be able to grab them from the publisher. You guys are awesome!

  3. Gun World Magazine August 2010 Volume 51 No 8. Mentioned in passing, page 71: “My training partner for this session was Todd Green, and trying to keep up with him made me glad that I exercise on a regular basis.”

  4. Todd,

    It’s the August issue and both of us made it! The article is basically how the Glock 30 performed well at the various conference shooting events.

  5. Awesome, one whole sentence! At least I didn’t make a great big deal out of it or anything, right? 8)

  6. So, if you have relatives in Iowa, why the heck do you never do any classes here? 🙂

  7. Todd,

    your copy of gun world Aug 2010 is in the mail today. I was on your site to find a better mailing address for you,but I guess I will send it to your home. Sent one to your mom and dad as well. Talked to one of my perfusion collegues in the D.C. area today and he should be contacting you for some training as well. Perhaps if you dropped your prices us poor Iowans could afford your classes! Seriously, if there is enough interest in Iowa for one of your classes I’m sure uncle PJ could make it happen. If not, I guess I’ll have to keep going to Blackwater. Congratulations on the gun world article and the successes of your training classes.
    Hope to see you soon

    Uncle PJ

  8. “Because no one has stepped up to host one.”

    E-mail me Todd, I’d be curious as to the logistics of this, perhaps we can host you at our range here.

  9. Thanks, John! I appreciate everyone’s help in tracking down a one-sentence shout out in a magazine article. Second most embarrassing thing here at This is the first.

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