HK MR556A1 Preview

I know this isn’t pistol related, but if you ever wanted to see the face of the guy who is most responsible for the past two years’ endurance tests:

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Excellent news! I was concerned about 922r at first, but it’s good to know about the domestic production. About the wait, I don’t know about everyone else, but I’d rather have it right than have it right now. Thanks for putting this up!

  2. Trust me, HK does it right the first time or they wait until it is right, prior to release.

  3. Actually that’s not quite true. The 416 has had all sorts of problems since it came out.

  4. Maybe I’m just getting anal as I get older,but did anyone else notice that his thumb seemed to be into the trigger guard and against the trigger???

  5. I’m not concerned with his thumb placement. Coopers rules specifically state “finger” not thumb!
    besides I’m fairly confident they cleared the gun long before it went on camera.
    looking forward to a MSRP on this, also wondering if it’s compatible with standard AR’s, unlike that other one they made.

  6. Looks and sounds nice, but for the $3,000 price tag that’s being reported, I think I’ll pass on this one for a few years.

  7. I was going to post the same “complaint” about the distracting thumb placement. I don’t think any of the rules of gun safety say “unless you’re sure that the gun is unloaded.”

  8. Poor thumb placement, but it is on safe and the bolt is clearly locked back.

    Bravo to HK for finally getting this to market.

  9. Not my cup of tea, but it is a good sign that they are addressing a demand. I dont doubt people will buy these.

  10. The words “thumb” and “anal” should never be used together in a sentence.

  11. I’ve been on the range with Wayne Weber many times. Prior to working for HK, he was a small arms instructor for the Air Force. Thumbs or not, he’s an incredibly competent and safe gun handler. That may not have even been a live-fire-capable gun. More likely, it was a SHOT Show demo gun with a cut firing pin.

    Kudos to the community for noticing it, though!

  12. Awesome video. If they can float that round the internet a bunch it will help a lot in selling their new offering. It’s nice to see a CEO get up and “pimp” a new product. It was brief and to the point. S&W should do the same thing when they come out with new stuff.

    Sure his thumb is on the trigger… And I’m sure they gave him shit about it right after they shot the video.

    By the way, one of the only times I can say I was directly swayed by a marketing campaign was when Sprint Wireless’ CEO did those commercials about how much they had changed and what they were offering. For some reason I feel like, if a CEO is going to stand up and say who they are and what they are going to do for me or what they can offer, then I believe them more than the cute Gecko… And as a result I switched from Verizon to Sprint. I know it’s not always true, but I don’t want an ad slogan, I want the guy that’s going to get fired if the product falls on it’s face, telling me that it’s an awesome piece of equipment that is ready to go…

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