HK45 Endurance Test: Week Five

7,570 rounds

0 stoppages 0 malfunctions 0 parts breakages

With over 3,000 rounds downrange this week, it should come as no surprise that we’ve got some good results to report.

  • best F.A.S.T. score to date with the HK45, a 4.63 clean. In fairness, this was only a one one-hundredth of a second improvement over my previous top HK45 score, but still I guess a new record is a new record.
  • Dot Torture at 10yd: 50 for 50. My two previous attempts at 10yd with this pistol resulted in scores of 48. The only other pistol with which I’ve successfully scored a 50 at 10yd was the P30 back in January.
  • fired 984 rounds through the gun in one practice session… without needing to see a chiropractor afterwards! There’s no question the .45 takes more effort to shoot, though, and I don’t see any 2,000-round marathon practice sessions with the HK45 like I did with the M&P9 and P30.

The HK45 continues to impress me in terms of speed, with splits in the high teens easy to accomplish on high probability targets, with .16’s and even .15’s showing up on the timer every now and then. The shorter reset combined with the gun’s innate ability to tame recoil and muzzle rise make it hard to remember it’s a full power .45 in your hand.

And as for accuracy, well just look at the target to the left. On a lark while shooting with some buddies, I did a one-shot draw at 25 yards. The round hit the one inch square inside the six inch circle of an 8.5×11 sheet of paper. Sure, there was a bit of luck involved… but it’s certainly confidence inspiring to know the gun is capable of that kind of performance!

You may notice from these photos that the HK45 is wearing new floorplates. They’re the floorplates from an HK USP45 Compact, and I got the idea from reader Rodney Ledbetter after he sent me the following photos:

That’s all it took for me to order a bunch of them. They’re far smaller and thinner than the stock floorplates, and substantially better than the ones I mauled with a Dremel. While the USP45 Compact floorplate leaves a gap between the grip frame and the magazine, the HK45’s grip is so long that it doesn’t interfere with my grip 2-handed or 1-handed. And with the ungainly protrusion removed from the front of the floorplate, it’s much easier to get a good solid grip on the magazine before drawing it from a pouch, which I’m counting on to improve my reloads… because they need the help. Huge thanks to Rodney for the idea!

Other big news this week is that Garrity’s Gunleather has officially announced the new In-Victus appendix holster. Long time fans will know that Mark Garrity has been working for almost two years with a handful of folks, including me, to develop this AIWB holster. I’ve used prototypes for the M&P9, HK P30, and now HK45 during the process, and Garrity has had other testers use those guns as well as various Glocks and 1911’s to come up with a design that truly allows you to conceal a full sized pistol comfortably and securely. I’d personally like to thank Mark as well as fellow testers Kurt Von Rice, SLG, and Bill C. for all the time and effort put into this project over the past twenty months.

The coming week should be another high round count one, with three or four practice sessions planned in addition to an Aim Fast, Hit Fast class in Culpeper, Virginia this weekend.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

Previous HK45 Endurance Test posts at

  • Week Four
  • Week Three
  • Week Two
  • Week One
  • Announcement


  1. Out of curiosity, how big of a guy are you? I find it difficult concealing a full sized gun at 5’6 and a bit overweight. I wonder how much of that is a function of needing a better holster and how much of that is a factor of my size. IE I’ll never be able to conceal a Desert Eagle; not that I’d want to try.

  2. Todd, thanks for taking the time out of your practice session and letting a duffer like me put a few rounds through the HK last week.

  3. Looks like I’ll be making that donation soon.
    Did I read right, $165 for the holster? That seems inexpensive for the work put into this. I guess I’ll be ordering a fat guy G19 one soon.

  4. Jesse — I’m about 6′ and 220#. There is no question that to a point, a smaller gun is easier to conceal. Body size doesn’t have nearly as much to do with it, though, as holster design and getting a proper belt.

    JoshR — Any time, dude. We need to get to 50,000 and my wrists will take all the help they can get.

    RobE — Yes, $165(US) for the holster. It’s more expensive than a lot of IWBs, but until you have one in your hand you can’t really appreciate some of the features that make it specific to AIWB use.

  5. Todd, Do you see any advantage to an abbreviated shield, like on the holster in the picture above, over the full shield? For example does the absence of extra leather allow the gun to be closer to the body? What about heat with this holster?

  6. Todd,
    Speaking of belts.What type of belt are you
    Also,you mentioned a bunch of new blazers.
    Are you using all types of ammo for your tests?

  7. brentpete – I find the full-size guard interferes with my ability to get a full proper grip on the gun while it is in the holster. No heat issues.

    jmi786 – I use a Wilderness Frequent Flyer belt.

    A number of different loads from different manufacturers will go through e test gun, but the majority will be 230gr Blazer.

  8. Todd,

    I just purchased a P30 LEM based on your posts here about it and the HK45. I live in Virginia and would like to attend one of your classes in the next year. I think I need the FAST Fundamentals first, but do not see it listed anywhere close by. Any chance of doing one of them in Culpeper or North Carolina this year?

  9. Jason — No plan for a Fast Fundamentals in the area this year, but one will probably be offered in Culpeper early in 2011. If there is enough demand, though, one might get scheduled later this year.

  10. yeah gadget addiction is a serious problem for me too. that and chick-fil-a…

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