HK45 Endurance Test: Week Thirty One

44,968 rounds

1 stoppages 1 (*) malfunctions 1 parts breakages

So close to 45,000!

<grouchomarx> I shot over 2,000 rounds of .45 this week, and boy are my arms tired! </grouchomarx>

The photo at top isn’t actually from this week, it was taken before cleaning the gun back on 27-October (during Week 30). That was 10,181 rounds since the previous cleaning. The gun was a little dirty: (click on any image to jump to a 1200×800 version)

Of course, no one at recommends getting your gun this dirty. But the reality is that most modern guns can handle a lot more abuse, especially in terms of cleanliness, than many people think.

Three practice sessions this week totaling 2,234 rounds. Best (of first three) cold F.A.S.T. runs:

  • 3-Nov: 5.19 (clean): 1.69, 0.56 / 2.19 / 0.26, 0.24, 0.25
  • 5-Nov: 5.51 (clean): 1.74, 0.65 / 2.40 / 0.24, 0.25, 0.23
  • 8-Nov: 5.01 (clean): 1.67, 0.53 / 2.10 / 0.23, 0.24, 0.24

The above-2sec reloads are really killing me, and are responsible for the 3-Nov and 8-Nov runs being past five seconds. My notes for each run:

  • 3-Nov: “felt really good, surprised time was so slow”
  • 5-Nov: “fumbled the <deleted> reload again!”
  • 8-Nov: “need to be more aggressive on press-out after reload”

I’ve also had a few instances of short-stroking the gun during rapid fire. While everything looks fine, I’m planning to replace the trigger return spring before my next practice session just to see if it helps. I’m not completely certain that the cause is mechanical, though… just like with the reloads, my fingers simply aren’t quite as nimble as they were before the year of high-volume .45 shooting. I spoke to a couple of doctors about it this week and both of them were of the opinion that things would go back to normal once I took a break. Keep your (hopefully non-arthritic) fingers crossed for me!

For the past few weeks, I’ve been using a prototype floorplate from my friend Rich at Custom Carry Concepts. CCC simply takes your factory floorplate and recontours it. If you have the right tools, the skill, and the inclination you could do it yourself. If — like me — you lack any or all of those things, CCC is probably a better option.

The floorplate has worked out extremely well. If the HK45 test wasn’t ending soon, I would send all my floorplates off to Rich for this treatment. Here you can see, from left to right, the CCC-modified floorplate, an example of the do-it-yourself dremel job I’ve used for my mags on the test, and a factory floorplate:

(Rich also makes the Shaggy AIWB holster that I’ve used extensively as well as the Basic Mag Carrier pouch I wear every day)

Coming up this week will be the last Aim Fast, Hit Fast of the year in Los Angeles, California (thank goodness for 10-round magazines). See you next week, when we’ll have an exciting announcement about the HK45 test…

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

Previous HK45 Endurance Test posts at

  • Week Thirty
  • Week Twenty Nine
  • Week Twenty Eight
  • Week Twenty Seven
  • Week Twenty Six
  • Week Twenty Five
  • Week Twenty Four
  • Week Twenty Three
  • Week Twenty Two
  • Week Twenty One
  • Week Twenty
  • Week Nineteen
  • Week Eighteen
  • Week Seventeen
  • Week Sixteen
  • Week Fifteen
  • Week Fourteen
  • Week Thirteen
  • Week Twelve
  • Week Ten
  • Week Nine
  • Week Eight
  • Week Seven
  • Week Six
  • Week Five
  • Week Four
  • Week Three
  • Week Two
  • Week One
  • Announcement

    1. Curious to see how the mag wells are holding up. I know what mine look like with a fraction of the round count.

    2. But the reality is that most modern guns can handle a lot more abuse, especially in terms of cleanliness, than many people think.

      And that’s true even if by “modern”, you mean “smokeless powder”.

    3. Todd, todd if your goin to replace the trigger return spring how may rounds did the gun fired before you change the trigger return spring?

    4. somewhere, right now, a keyboard commando/range ninja is crying over your dirty gun pictures, and how no “serious” shooter would ever let their gun get that dirty.
      Someone kick that person please.
      Good to see the gun getting truly wrung out Todd, strange on the extended reload times. Any idea what popped up to make you slow down there? beyond not being aggressive enough after the reload that is.
      also good to hear you went to a doc about your hands, when you say take a break, do you mean from shooting, or just from shooting a ton of .45? I think maybe some piano playing might be in your future, or perhaps a violin?

    5. dj — About 9,700 rounds. I’d been changing the spring every 12,500.

      DonW — It allows a much better grip on the mag for reloads, and reduces the magazine’s bulk for improved concealability.

    6. Todd, would you mind posting a picture of the modified mag in the pistol? I’d like to see the new countour with the modified floorplate. Thanks.

    7. can u show after pics of it after u cleaned it and if any extra process was taken to clean it. as if u took the gun down even more than what hk say u have to do to clean the hk45.

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