I Own 1911s

Now with more photos:


Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Well, you know where you can off-load them when you are done with them.

    Or fed up with them.

  2. Friday the 13th…. of all the days in the year. Not superstitious at all, but really?

  3. Man! You went STRAIGHT to the high-end 1911’s. I’m jealous. B.E.A.-utiful pistols!

  4. Great looking pistols, Todd. Will you be posting a complete spec sheet on them? Perhaps you’ve already done that and I missed it? Thanks.

  5. Well, that represents about 75 wrong guesses as to when they’ll fail. 😉

  6. Oh boy, here comes the “never had a malfunction that wasn’t ammo or magazine related” and “the gun is more accurate than I am.” Personally I’ve retired as a 1911 apologist but I like a good storm like everyone else – so here goes. 🙂

  7. JRL,

    To do the dual wield test properly, it must be done with Desert Eagles of .44 or better.

  8. Dinner says you’ll be digging in the safe for a P30 by the time ECQC rolls around in November.

  9. Those are the best looking “non-racegun” 1911 grips Ive ever seen! Beautiful guns.

    1. 650 through “Green Grip,” no stoppages. It’s the new test gun. I’m carrying it at dinner now.

      550 through “Grey Grip,” also no stoppages. It’s the backup.

      I will try to get video dual wielding tomorrow just for you guys.

  10. Best of luck with the test Todd. I own 2 1911’s and I’m building my first build from the ground up. Don’t listen to the nay sayers. There’s a reason the 1911 has been around for 101 years.

  11. That is great news. I didn’t believe they would make it past 100 rounds. Glad I am wrong.

  12. Wow. Nice Springfield MC Operators. I have one myself and noticed you changed the magwell (ILM) and grips. May I ask what parts you changed including magazines you are using?


  13. “Tap, rack, target. Tap, rack, target. Tap, rack, target…”.

    Eye-pro in place to stop broken springs, bushings, plugs, etc., from flying into pupils? Check!!

  14. I love 1911’s, though I think they are unnecessarily heavy for carry.

    Nevertheless, those are beautiful pistols. Springfield did a wonderful job–and if they work well it is going to be flooded with orders for exact replicas.

  15. oh wait, they’re 9mm’s… those should work fine. i thought you said you own 1911s. lmao

  16. @sheperd80

    “Those are the best looking 1911’s Ive ever seen!”

    Fixed that for you 🙂

  17. Imagine now Tod achieving far better times in the drills with these sweet looking things. Good luck Tod. Leave us mortals playing with the ugly plastic guns…

  18. I like my pretty plastic guns, but I’m definitely interested in what happens in the torture tests with these two.

  19. for a shooter,
    it has been 100 years and still does not know about 1911. Where were you?

  20. Aside from the durability/reliability issues I will be watching for other results. As a 1911 fan I purchased an HK45 after taking your class and watching your test with it. It is by far the most reliable pistol I’ve ever had. It always sees over 1000 rounds through it before cleaning, and this often includes classes where mags are dumped in the desert sand repeatedly during reloads. It absolutely will not feed Double Tap 255 gr hardcast wadcutters, but other than that experiment it’s s NEVER had a single malfunction. I don’t keep an exact round count, but it’s approaching 10,000 rounds. You just can’t do that forever with a newer, tight 1911 without eventually having a problem. There’s just no comparison.

    I’m more interested in your thoughts about accuracy, speed and “feel”. You mentioned the two triggers feel slightly different. It would be cool if your best FAST time ever came with a 9mm 1911. With the right sights and that nice trigger that is MY prediction for this test. 5 lbs is a bit heavy for optimal range times, but a nice compromise for carry. As a guy who has never liked 1911’s you are forcing yourself to give them a real go. You might be surprised at the results. A steel framed 1911 can be heavy for EDC, but if you don’t mind that, and you are in an urban environment, not introducing dirt and debris into the pistol regularly, they are a fine fighting option.

  21. As SecondsCount will attest, I’m not much of a 1911 guy but those are just pretty. Hope they run well!

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