Internet: Dangerous & Funny

I backtracked a link from a thread on and became completely entranced. A guy is absolutely certain the FBI doesn’t have any 1911 pistols and keeps arguing about it. A dozen or so people — some with very specific and credible knowledge — try to set the record straight but to no avail.

But that’s not the funny part. The funny part is this exchange regarding the original topic of the thread, which was the rumor that the FBI may be switching from .40 S&W to 9mm handguns:


I don’t know who you are, MP0117, but that was awesome!

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. After reading from the link, that thread is chock-full of Internet-grade face palm material.

  2. Yes but in fairness there is a lot of very good, very detailed, and very correct information in that thread.

  3. Amongst all the keyboard monkeys that post on arfcom there are some really knowledgeable people.

  4. Personally, I am am maintaining that this thread doesn’t exist, and since it doesn’t exist any argument posted claiming that it does exist will be disregarded because if the thread doesn’t exist then the argument was never made. The metaphysics of the Internet are awesome!

  5. Strange, the FBI guy sitting in the cubicle 20 feet from me has a 1911 in his holster. I guess I should tell he he needs to get rid of it.

  6. I’m a little surprised the FBI even has an infographic like that…. I guess they got tired of editing their Wikipedia page?

  7. Gadfly — Please do! Feel free to forward him the link to the thread so he can get a better understanding of agency policy. He’s probably relying on something questionable like… um… agency policy.

  8. The guys who really know what’s going on with this subject are not posting it on the intardnets.

    Just sayin.

  9. Todd, I don’t want to point out his mistake and anger him. I am still trying to trade him some of my agency .40 for some of his issued .45 ammo! FBI types get their feelings hurt easily… (Actually they are a great group of guys to work with. Task force work gives me about 10 different agencies on my floor…)

  10. Just read that whole mess of a thread and all I can say is, WHO CARES?!? All of the “what does this agency/unit/department use?” threads are just intertards trying to justify that their favorite gun/caliber/whatever is the best.

  11. FBI SWAT graphic:”…an 8 round magazine with one bullet in the chamber.”

    Insert joke here.

  12. ok after reading the infographic I can understand why someone would doubt the reliability of it. I mean seriously, they have a laser pointer attached to their MP5s? Do they still use the 10mm MP5? I thought with it being discontinued they’d moved on? I admit to regurgitating hearsay on that though.

  13. Wow, the FBI has only spent $1.66 million at the Springfield Custom Shop since 1999. If they weren’t getting Professional Models, what does the ARFCOM poster think the Bureau was buying?

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