Julie Golob and S&W Go Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

To kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Smith & Wesson has issued a press release about the new M&P9 JG. The JG gun is named for Julie Golob (better known as Julie Goloski), one of Smith’s Champion Shooters and their Consumer Program Manager. Julie worked very hard for many months to bring this project to fruition. A portion of the proceeds from each pistol (the portion that normally would have gone in Julie’s pocketbook, since her name is on the gun) goes to a breast cancer awareness charity.

The M&P9 JG is a full size Military & Police in 9x19mm. It comes with a Warren Tactical rear sight, fiber optic front sight, two pink grip inserts (in addition to the standard three black ones), and a breast cancer Awareness Ribbon engraved on the slide.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG



Photo of Julie shooting at 2006 USPSA Nationals courtesy of JulieGolob.com, photo taken by Yamil Sued 




  1. Terry — The JG gun is available to any S&W dealer, or to any other dealer who buys through a distributor. Both of the gun shops I’ve visited over the past week have had a JG gun on the shelf.

  2. i am a two time breast cancer survivor where can i get this gun in my area i live in loretto,tennnessee

  3. Wanda — I’d first check with your local gun shop to see if they can order one. If not, a Google search for “M&P9 JG” turned up a number of online sellers with that model available. I also found this auction at Gunbroker, though it only has about an hour and a half left and he’s asking a pretty hefty price.

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