Karma Winners!

The winners from last week’s 25,000th Visitor Celebration have been randomly selected by computer.  Congratulations go out to the following readers:

Winners of the pistol-training.com Shooting Journals are:

  1. jason bourne
  2. TheFish

Grand-prize winner of our fancy new pistol-training.com Khaki Hat was Howard Cohodas.

Congratulations to all the winners!  You have been contacted by email for instructions on how to receive your prizes.

Details on how you can buy these and other pistol-training.com products will be made available in the coming days.

Train hard & stay safe!  ToddG


  1. Thanks! Got the hat today. Wearing it now. Thanks for the nice personal note as well.

  2. Thanks Todd! I just got the book today and I cant wait till saturday when I get to put it to use! Thanks again!!!!

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