Mag Pouch Update

The BMC from Custom Carry Concepts (CCC) has long been my favorite mag pouch, as you no doubt know. Tenicor, a company run by a friend and former cop, started making mag pouches a few years ago. The prototype they sent me was better than the BMC. Unfortunately, circumstances conspired to prevent that pouch from making it to market. When they developed their Fero2 version, I tested it out and had some minor issues that they were already tracking as well. Tenicor improved the pouch and the improved version worked well for me. One day shortly after getting the pouch, a buddy was short one pouch so I loaned it to him…and completely forgot about it until recently when he returned it.

I have been using it again since getting it back and it is really good. If you only need one spare mag (like most of us), then it is at least as good as my much-loved BMC pouch. It is definitely made better and is likely to last a lot longer. The adjustable tension, which I often have issues with on other pouches, works really well and allows for effortless draws and reholsters, while retaining the mag perfectly.

One advantage of the BMC pouches is that their footprint (width, in this case) is the smallest of any kydex pouch. When you need to stack ammo deep, or if you still carry a flashlight on the belt, this can be an advantage for the smaller-waisted among us. I can wear three Fero 2 pouches on my belt, but that is really pushing the issue with my available real estate and forces a very poor draw on the third magazine. Two pouches work much better for me. With the BMC pouches, 3 is pretty easy and 4 is doable. This is not much of a real-world issue, as I don’t normally wear 3 and 4 spare mags. It becomes an issue when I am teaching or training with certain groups who require 3 spare mags. It is also an issue for some of my competition shooting where I prefer to wear my EDC gear but need more mags for the course of fire.

The Fero2 has a sturdy clip with a unique design. Unlike the BMC, it can be donned at any time without having to thread it on the belt. Because the pouch allows you to add it to your belt without undoing everything, I used to carry it in my work vehicle’s map pocket for times when I needed to plus up. Using it now every day, I prefer to thread it onto my belt and so far, there have been no issues with it at all, including combative drilling with it on. Fortunately, I now have a few of them, and so one will go back in my map pocket as well. The Fero2 also easily adjusts for the thickness of your belt, which is a very nice feature.

There are lots of mag pouches on the market, and while I lament the passing of the CCC BMC, it looks like the Fero 2 has replaced it for me. Tenicor also offers the Fero 2 in a few sizes, so you can fit pretty much any magazine out there, a major benefit for those of us who shoot a bunch of guns. Each size accommodates multiple pistol sizes, and the adjustable tension actually works very well, so switching to a different magazine is fast, easy, and actually effective.



    These were brought up when PF was discussing your previous article. They can be had with a closed loop and look very similar to the bmc. Also JM is bringing back their closed loop mag pouch but incorporating tegris material, like the phlster enigma chassis uses, and it looks promising. You can see it in the PF thread also (post #25), for those interested.

    Just for those who may not be aware of these options. The tenicor looks great as well and i am planning on trying examples of all three of the above.

    1. Thanks for posting those! I have always love the BMC, but the Fero2 has really taken over for me. It holds the mags better and releases about as well as the BMC. Also, if you put extended mags in there (I was using 20 and 22 rd HK mags at the Presscheck class) they hold much more securely than the BMC. The extra leverage of the longer mag really stresses the BMC.

      1. The Fero2 is a really good pouch! I wish Jeff/Tenicor would reintroduce the original version with the integrated belt slot. I like that one more even though it is meant for thinner belts (nylon, Wilderness works well).

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