Maryland: Gun Shot Wounds/First Aid Class

Saturday 31-July-2010
Gaithersburg, Maryland is partnering with Rescue One to provide a certified First Aid class with special emphasis on the treatment of gunshot wounds. Unlike typical first aid classes, this will be taught by a M.D. who is also an experienced military officer. The class will cover topics such as the use of tourniquets and wound packing, which are normally reserved for more advanced courses.

The idea behind the class is a simple one: teach people who spend a lot of time on a firing range how to handle themselves in the event of an accident. As long-time readers will know, has been recommending all shooters keep an IFAK with them on the range, and earlier this year we had an opportunity to learn just why that is so important.

The class begins at 11am and is expected to last approximately 5-6 hours. Students will receive USDOT First Aid certification. Class cost is $85. There are ten remaining slots available.

Registration for the class can be done through this link: GSW-MD-100731 for $85.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. I hope this class will be offered on a regular basis – I will be unable to make it on this particular day but am very interested in attending at some point.


  2. If reviews of the class are positive and we get enough interest, we will organize this again. It’s not a profit-maker for, but I genuinely believe that anyone who spends significant time on the range should know how to deal with the most frequent accidents and problems that arise during training.

  3. This is a great thing to offer… thanks for setting this up. As the military learned long ago, the more people who have a basic understanding of this stuff, the more likely one of them will be around if something happens.

  4. Todd, this class should be mandatory for NRA Range RO’s-perhaps Greg W. can be persuaded to arrange a class for the RO’s.

  5. Sure hope it’s successful and repeated in say, northern Virginia…

    I’d attend on the 31st, but have a previous engagement that can’t be changed. šŸ™

  6. I am really looking forward to this class. I agree with AndyR above something like this should be required for all ROs.

  7. This is a damned good idea!

    I’ll be attending and bringing two friends with me.

  8. Awesome idea for a class. The price is low enough for me to consider it stupid to pass up the opportunity.

  9. Sounds like an excellent class. I’m very interested, but live 5-6 hours away. I’m willing to travel, but have some questions before I bite.

    Is there still room in this class? Where will it be taught? The post heading says Gaithersburg, MD, but the class tab says Culpeper, VA. Are there any prerequisites, and if so what? What should students bring, in addition to lunch, drinks, and note taking paper / computer?

  10. This sounds great. Just what I have been looking for. As an NRA Instructor this information could save lives. I missed the *31 class. When Will it be run again?


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