M&P Monday: Week 26

53,227 rounds
2 stoppages, 0 malfunctions, 2 parts breakages

As we proudly announced last week, the M&P test continues! In fact, this week was quite a busy one.

I attended the outstanding Concealed & Off-Duty Pistol Class put on by David Pennington in South Hill, Virginia. As you can see if you follow the link, the class was exciting and challenging as we spent two intense and fun days working on everything from fundamental marksmanship to low-light techniques and one-handed malfunction clearance drills.

The M&P9 test gun suffered one stoppage during the class, but it is not attributable to the gun. A round of 115gr CCI Blazer misfired. Three more attempts were made to discharge the round and it simply would not fire … it must have been a dead primer. 

An accuracy test was due at the 50,000 round point, and in typical fashion we’re a little late. The test was actually begun at a little over 52,900 rounds. The delay was for a good reason, though. The barrel of the test gun was soaked for half an hour in solvent and then vigorously cleaned with bronze brush & patch, trying to get it as clean as possible. The result: after more than 50,000 rounds fired through the gun, accuracy has opened up by ¼” at 25 yards. One. Quarter. Inch.

The formal results for accuracy, along with previous weeks’ numbers, are as follows. All measurements are based on an average of five 5-shot groups shot at 25 yards by hand from a stable rest.

  • Federal 124gr +p HST: 1.72″
    • week 1: 1.46″
    • week 6: 2.05″
    • week 10: 1.69″
    • week 17: 1.99″
    • week 22: 1.92″

See you next week …

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

Previous entries:

  • Week One
  • Week Two
  • Week Three
  • Week Four
  • Week Five
  • Week Six & Week Six Accuracy Report
  • Week Seven
  • Week Eight
  • Week Nine
  • Week Ten
  • Week Eleven
  • Week Twelve
  • Week Thirteen
  • Week Fourteen
  • Week Fifteen
  • Week Sixteen
  • Week Seventeen
  • Week Eighteen
  • Week Nineteen
  • Week Twenty
  • Week Twenty-One
  • Week Twenty-Two
  • Week Twenty-Three
  • Week Twenty-Four
  • Week Twenty-Five


  1. 1/2 an hour soak? dude.
    seriously though that’s pretty damn amazing. you gotta get some pics of the wear points in that gun

  2. Hey Todd wondering after all this rounds,(53.000)!!…. any favorites precision and feeding wise? I hear about the Gold Dot lots of good things but the Local dealer is out of stock,This question will be more for the Carry Gun, where you need Stopping Power but you want the best. I Personally carry 11 rounds of Hornady 9mm Luger 124gr JHP/XTP on my MP COMPACT, just added some nice Bowie Tactical Ameriglo Night sights, and you know I need to tell somebody, , Thanks for listening.

  3. S Vega — In both of the full size 9mm M&P’s I have used (including the test gun, obviously), best accuracy was achieved with hotter +p ammunition than standard pressure ammo. I’m not a big fan of the XTP from Hornady as it tends to be a deep penetrating round that has little or no expansion. For 9mm, my recommendations are the 124gr +p HST from Federal, the 124gr +p Gold Dot from Speer, or the 127gr +p+ Ranger from Winchester.

  4. Thanks for the info, really interesting, I think I saw some federal ammo at the shop, from the range I go, Im gonna give them a try, I guess while the Local Speer dealer gets some Gold Dots, you see here in CR, Local dealers need to get licences to import Ammunition, and in this difficult times some are hard to get, but thanks for the answer, have a good rest of the week.

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