M&P Monday: Week Sixteen

31,049 rounds
2 stoppages, 0 malfunctions, 0 parts breakages

Thirty thousand rounds has come and gone. And to commemorate the event, Smith & Wesson’s own Ernest Langdon volunteered to drive out to the range just to get his picture taken firing that one shot.

The appendix Looper holster from Custom Carry Concepts is working out very well. Even stuck in traffic for hours driving from Washington, D.C. to Pittsburgh over the weekend for the Aim Fast, Hit Fast class it was perfectly comfortable and always easily accessible. 

The gun was fired by almost all ten students during the class, and the MA trigger bar/spring combined with the Performance Center sear was very popular. So was the JohnO High Visibility Front Sight.

There was a problem with one of the Arredondo extended floorplates during a demo at the class. The locking plate (part of the Arredondo package) got jammed inside the magazine, binding the spring and follower. The result was a live round stovepipe. The slide did a real number on the aluminum casing of the CCI Blazer ammunition. Because the problem was unquestionably and immediately attributed to the Arredondo part, it isn’t being counted as a gun stoppage for purposes of the count, above. Ten seconds with a metal file and the Arredondo locking plate was fine, and the 22-round magazine was running at full capacity.

This week, we’ll be doing the next accuracy measurements to see how the gun is shooting after more than thirty thousand rounds in less than four months.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

Previous entries:

  • Week One
  • Week Two
  • Week Three
  • Week Four
  • Week Five
  • Week Six
  • Week Six Accuracy Report
  • Week Seven
  • Week Eight
  • Week Nine
  • Week Ten
  • Week Eleven
  • Week Twelve
  • Week Thirteen
  • Week Fourteen
  • Week Fifteen


  1. cool! haven’t seen a pic of Ernie in a long time. wish he was still traveling and instructing. it’d be fun to send him home all back to his old Marine swearing days like last time.
    too bad you can’t bring the 22 round mags up here for your course. I’d love to play with ’em.

  2. Cool picture;it’s very telling how managable the recoil is with spent shell casing in the air, and it shows the JohnO sight…

  3. Am I just seeing things or does the gentleman shooting round 30,000 have his weak hand thumb in the trigger guard?

  4. ok Todd. Told you I need help with the eyes. by the by, the wall drill is helping to focus on the tront siht and so is closing the right eye then opening both. Sure is great to have real knowledgeable sources willing to help people! ajb

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