Name the Drill, Win a Prize

sw_mp_vamd07Earlier this week, I was shooting with Scott Warren (of Warren Tactical) and we worked on something he’s adapted from one of Rob Leatham’s drills. It’s a pretty straightforward transition routine. You start with four steel chest plates at a range of 10yd, spaced three yards apart. On the buzzer, draw and engage one shot per target back and forth for 20 rounds. Goal is 100% hits in less than 10 seconds. Note that you do not “double” the targets on the end, you shoot them once and then reverse direction. So the sequence is: T1-T2-T3-T4-T3-T2-T1-T2, etc. There are no makeup shots. If you miss a plate, it’s a miss … move on to the next plate.
We’re planning to list this at the Drills page, but there’s a problem. The drill doesn’t have a name. How can you list a drill that doesn’t have a name? 
So Scott has offered to help us find a name. For 4 days, you can respond to this post with your idea for the perfect name to give this drill. Deadline is 11:59 PM EDT on Monday 8-June. Scott will choose the best suggestion and the winner will receive a free set of Warren Tactical sights

Even though you don’t need to shoot the drill to offer up a name, you should shoot it to appreciate the training factor. It’s easy to set up, and makes for a fast & simple drill to work your target to target transitions.

Please limit your suggestions to three (3) per person. 

So, let the names begin! ToddG


  1. The Warren H.I.T.S. drill (horizontal immediate transitional shooting)

    Ugh… now my brain hurts.

  2. 1)TGO’s Talladega (Prison) Transition Drill

    TGO-“The Great One” for Leatham’s influence

    Talladega-even folks who no nothing about racing like myself would think speed. Also, I believe a federal prison in Talladega was the location of a successful raid by the FBI’s HRT in 1991 in which no one was killed. A nice juxtaposition considering the zombie nature of the drill.

    Besides who doesn’t like a little alliteration.

    2) The Tijuana Transition Drill

    In honor of some hombres I just discovered in a story from San Diego.

    3) Your wife and Her Three Naked Lovers Drill

    Just for the pun of it!

  3. I had one but my mobile phone wouldn’t post!

    How about the Blackbird Drill (four and twenty blackbirds, baked in a pie)???

    I’m always late to the dance! 🙂

  4. The contest closed at 11:59 Monday night, folks. Entries have been submitted to Warren Tactical and they’ll choose. As soon as that happens, we’ll announce. Good luck to everyone!

  5. Suggestion #1: 4 At 10, for 20 In 10

    Suggestion #2: 4 squared/10 squared

  6. I’d call this drill the “Line ’em up, shoot ’em down” drill.


  7. After much deliberation, meditation, and communing with the spirit of John M. Browning, Warren Tactical has selected hsoi as the contest winner. Congratulations, hsoi!

  8. Congrats

    I just saw this now and was going to suggest Domino or Ping-Pong…gets the chain reaction/back and forth feeling pretty down pat

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