Name the Drill, Win a Prize

sw_mp_vamd07Earlier this week, I was shooting with Scott Warren (of Warren Tactical) and we worked on something he’s adapted from one of Rob Leatham’s drills. It’s a pretty straightforward transition routine. You start with four steel chest plates at a range of 10yd, spaced three yards apart. On the buzzer, draw and engage one shot per target back and forth for 20 rounds. Goal is 100% hits in less than 10 seconds. Note that you do not “double” the targets on the end, you shoot them once and then reverse direction. So the sequence is: T1-T2-T3-T4-T3-T2-T1-T2, etc. There are no makeup shots. If you miss a plate, it’s a miss … move on to the next plate.
We’re planning to list this at the Drills page, but there’s a problem. The drill doesn’t have a name. How can you list a drill that doesn’t have a name? 
So Scott has offered to help us find a name. For 4 days, you can respond to this post with your idea for the perfect name to give this drill. Deadline is 11:59 PM EDT on Monday 8-June. Scott will choose the best suggestion and the winner will receive a free set of Warren Tactical sights

Even though you don’t need to shoot the drill to offer up a name, you should shoot it to appreciate the training factor. It’s easy to set up, and makes for a fast & simple drill to work your target to target transitions.

Please limit your suggestions to three (3) per person. 

So, let the names begin! ToddG


  1. Sounds like fun. I’ll give it a try:

    1. Fire Extinguisher Drill.

    2. Or simply Extinguisher Drill. You are spraying the targets like a fire, back and forth.

    3. Warren Transition Drill (I know you really needed my help to come up with that one.)

  2. Hmmm,

    20 down in 10

    that’s all I’ve got for now. Gonna shoot that drill tonight at class. but on paper, as we don’t have steel.

  3. Tried it . Tough drill. I was thinking it should be called … Groundhog day.

  4. The 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 sequence reminds me of stair-step drills in crossfit, and the ultimate objective of the training is to help bad guys move on to the next life… I’d call it “Stairway to Heaven”.

  5. The “Warren Peace” drill.
    (Don’t know if Scott Warren has a sense of humor!)

  6. 1. 20 to 4 (20 shots to 4 targets)

    2. tempo drill

    3. quad run

    daddy needs a pair of sights for a new G19.

  7. (water)*sprinkler drill (chi-chi-chi-chi…)

    *speed reading drill

    *FAB20 drill (forward and back 20 times)

  8. 1. The Shoot ‘n Go

    2. The 20/100/10 drill

    3. Terminator drill. (From your example of T1-T2-T3 etc. haha)

  9. 1. “Target Transition Drill”. Not a sexy name, but a practical one. Tells you exactly what the drill is about.

    2. “4×20 Transitions Drill” (or “4×20 Target Transitions Drill”). Again tells you what’s going on, and can even open the door for variations to be made and appropriately labeled, e.g. 5×25, 3×10. Once you know the base drill (and name), it’s easy to perform variations on the drill by just calling out the numbers.

    That’s all I’ve got for now.

  10. That drill reminds me of a tank scanning for targets, so how about:

    Turret Drill.

  11. Here’s some word play on the sprinkler suggestion: “Watering the lawn”

    That’s 4 I know but I think it’s got potential.

  12. That’s a lot of ringing steel in <10 seconds.

    I’d call it the 10 Second Pinger.

  13. 1. The “Next” drill

    2. Steel Shuffle

    3. “Waking up the neighbors”

  14. 1. Warren sweep.
    2. Warren Sprinkler Sweep.
    3. 20-4-1 Sprinkler.

    ‘Sprinkler” as in watering the lawn.

  15. here is a perfect name after trying the drill just call it what it is

    1.) 410×2
    2) 410 turnaround
    3) 4102x

    thanks for all your hard work and sharing of ideas and drills It does make mea better shooter and a faster one with 2″ circle hits

  16. Tetra-
    From Ancient Greek ?????- (tetra-), combining form of ???????? (tettares) ‘four’.
    IPA: /?t?t??/
    tetra- (or before a vowel tetr-)
    Forming compound words having the sense of ‘four’.

    This contest being announced on the day of 25th anniversary of a pioneer game, the drill out to be called Tetris drill. Both (drill and game) are something I’ll suck at…

  17. 1. The Global Warren Terror
    2. Plater Shots (ominous sounding, no?)
    Third guess reserved for more thought…

  18. ha, no on the “4:20”, that made me chuckle.
    can I vote for someone elses suggestion? I think “Turret” is the best one so far, or maybe add a “the” to it. “The Turret”. either way the original poster gets a vote from me for that. (not that my vote actually counts).

  19. 1. Quadraphonic Blast
    2. Constant Concussion
    3. The Oscillating Hammer

    God Bless,

  20. For anyone who ever learned to play a musical instrument…

    Scale drill


  21. 20/10 Drill
    ten/20 Drill
    2010 Drill


    the 20 to 10 Drill

    Sorry that was an extra! But absolutely love his sights! What is his setup Fiber or 2 dot night? Curious

    (the 20-10 to be read as merely ‘twenty ten’)

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