New Article: Rogers Shooting School

As promised, a review of last week’s Rogers Shooting School class has now been added to the Articles section.  Check it out and let us know what you think!


  1. The article by Todd G was right on the money. I consider myself extemely lucky as I passed on the very last day. I remember how demoralized I was after the first day. The scores of the class on the first day, overall, were bad except for a handful of expert shooters. After the first day, in many cases, the scores got worse, until later in the week when they finally started to improve. When I stopped caring so much and stopped focusing on all the things I had to do to improve, my scores started to get better. In order to succeed, my mind had to switch from conscious to unconscious and I needed to function on automatic pilot. I saw Swat Instructors and military personnel that were extremely frustrated that didn’t pass until later in the week. I, being a silly Physical Education teacher, going through a mid-life crisis, found myself playing catch up the entire week. If it wasn’t for professional help from Rosie, Ronnie, and Claude I wouldn’t have passed. I had attended other shooting schools which were ok, but none compared to Rogers Shooting School! There was absolutely no down time and the course was both physically and emotionally draining. There are many things that I have accomplished in my life, like getting my Master’s Degree, becoming a scuba instructor etc, but the hardest thing was passing that class.

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