New Contest: Design a Drill of the Week

As the number of subscribers and participants at continues to grow, we realize there is a huge resource of ideas that goes untapped.  In order to keep the Drill of the Week fresh and interesting, we’d like to tap into your ideas for some great training drills.  Therefore, we’re asking that you take a few moments to send us your ideas and some of the drills you use when you teach and/or train.

Entries are submitted via a web-based form found on this page.  You can submit as many drills as you like, but only list one drill for each submission.  The format is identical to the one in our Drills section.  In the Description area, please include not only the “how” but the “why” … explain what this drill seeks to accomplish, teach, or train.  Also, if known, please give credit to the originator of the drill.

Only drills submitted via the form linked above will be considered.  Please do not list drills in the Comment section.

The staff at will choose one submitted drill each month to use as a Drill of the Week.

If your entry is selected, you’ll receive a free hat!

Thanks, and good luck!

Judging and decisions made by the staff are final and not subject to review. No purchase is necessary. Void where prohibited by law.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Todd, I would think the IDPA Qualifier would be a simply but very effective drill for testing ones pistol skills. Easy to set up and shoot but it’s hard to do well and it very quickly shows were improvement/practice is needed.

  2. OK, OK, I get the point. No need to dog me out in public. 🙂

    I will, I swear, find some time to get them jotted down and off to you.

  3. Flyfishtom — We’ve toyed with the idea of putting up a whole section devoted to classification/qualification programs. I’m sure that will happen as time allows.

    Sean — I don’t know what you’re talking about. 8)

  4. yeah leave it to me to forget to include the purpose behind the drill I submitted. gotta love night shifts!

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