New Rudy Project Gear

Just read on Julie Golob’s blog that Rudy Project has introduced a new shooter’s kit with their Genetyk frames and the same two lenses I use in my Rydons, along with an additional Laser Black lens for when you don’t want to rely on the photochromatics. If this kit had been available three months ago, I would have bought it instead.

You can check it out at

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Reasonably well thought out and handsome glasses. Too bad I’ll never own a set.

    If anyone can explain to me why polycarbonate glasses should cost any more than $75, let alone $349, I’m all ears. I don’t care how many sets of lenses are thrown in either. Looks like 90% profit margin to me.

  2. looking through Rudy or Oakley lenses will tell you why. compared to other shooting glasses there really is no comparison. Oakley and Rudy glasses are as optically pure as you can get, with pretty much zero distortion. That makes a huge difference when you wear them for a long period of time, as well if you end up in weird positions while shooting, and have to look through the bottom edge of the lens you won’t see image offset, which you will with those $75 glasses.

  3. Tim — I’m with Rob on this one. Durability and optical quality are just hugely improved. As long as I keep the lenses clean, the image is every bit as clear as when wearing no glasses at all. The adaptable ergonomics of the frame are also vastly superior to any $75 eyepro I’ve ever seen.

    Are eyepro like this necessary for a shooter? No. Plenty of people do just fine with cheaper stuff. But for someone who is serious about shooting, the benefits are worth the investment for a piece of gear you’re likely to use for many years. YMMV.

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