New Shooters: A Quick How-To Guide

Julie Golob (nee Goloski) posted a great set of DO’s and DON’Ts on her website today for anyone thinking about bringing a first time shooter to the range. It is absolutely worth checking out.

All too often, shooters think enthusiasm will serve as well as knowledge and responsibility when it comes to teaching first-timers. Just remember that the kind of person you are on the range will become the kind of person they will be on the range. If you act like an irresponsible moron, you’ll create a new irresponsible moron of a shooter. If you take it seriously, stress the importance of safety, and provide a fun atmosphere you’ll create a safe, happy new shooter.

Another rule I like to follow with first time shooters is to give them just a single round of ammo in the gun for their first shot. All too often, the new shooter will turn around in excitement or exaggerate the effect of recoil after shooting a gun for the first time. Having an empty gun makes that more of a learning point than a potential injury.

Of course, Julie won’t be bringing any new shooters to the range herself for a while. In case you’ve been living under a rock, here’s why.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

(Yamil Sued photo courtesy of JulieG)


  1. Good stuff, by Todd and Julie G.

    With all due respect to SLG, man she’s gorgeous. Montana skyline and S&W revolver aren’t shabby either.

  2. Yeah, the one round rule is one of the best things I’ve ever read. Since I started using it I haven’t been shot once 🙂

    I also highly recommend reminding the shooter right before they go to shoot, that people often get excited and forget their rules after their first shot. Putting it in people’s minds often helps keep them on task better.

  3. A friend of mine, who’s probably introduced more people to the SW500 than almost anyone, does the one round thing for similar reasons. You don’t know how someone’s going to react to that much recoil until they do it.

  4. Nothing secret about it. Goloski was her maiden name. That’s what “nee” means…

  5. I hope she doesn’t shoot her junk off with that appendix carry. lol Kudos to her for staying away from the range, it must be tough.

  6. The one round rule was fairly standard back in the 1960’s and has become an even better idea as semi autos have become normal and magazines have gotten larger. For anyone who trains novices and doesn’t do this already, try it–it works for multiple reasons,

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