P32 Tuesday (4)

850 Rounds

0 malfunctions, 0 stoppages, 0 parts breakage

Well, the little gun has digested and spit out another 100 rounds with no lubrication. This week was very busy both personally and professionally, so not much shooting was accomplished. That’s ok though, since it will allow me to put the 1000th round through the gun next week with a special guest of P-T.com.

The gun continues to be a lot of fun to shoot. The picture shows my lightest pistol with my lightest rifle. Any guesses on the rifle and its weight? This past week I abandoned any pretext of training, and shot the P32 from the hip, on large steel at 50 yards on the move, one-handed, plate racks alternating with big steel with both hands as well as each hand alone. The gun points well and is a hoot. I can’t pretend I didn’t miss fair a bit, but every hit was a joy, and there were more of them than you might think.

This week’s shooting was only 100 rounds, but it was 100 degrees outside and I shot all 100 rounds within about 15 minutes. The gun got HOT. So hot, that I didn’t want to chamber a round and put it in my pocket for fear of a cook-off. That’s probably not likely, but it was that hot when I was done shooting. Combine that heat with no lube and you might forgive a gun for choking. But not this one, it didn’t show any signs of difficulty at all. Original recoil spring as well, in case you were wondering.

Next week we will look at the insides of the gun a bit and see what’s what. We will also look at the ways I have been carrying the gun. It is a versatile little piece, that’s for sure.


  1. SLG, I’m not surprised by the P32s performance. I’m glad you’re running it as is as I think, as someone else mentioned, that most people would carry it that way. I wonder if that rifle is a solo 300? I’m guessing 3.5 lbs. Just got the first snow in Wy. so I need to get some reps in on cold heat before zipped up winter coats and gloves reduces me to maybe 1. DVC

    1. Good Guess. It is indeed a Solo300. With my accessories but no optic, it is just under 3.5#, so 4# with the optic.
      Cold weather definitely reduces everyones Cold Heat, lol. Enjoy it!

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