pistol-training.com Target

Thanks to all the pistol-training.com readers who’ve obviously been ordering the new target! As a result of its sudden popularity, National Target has decided to add it to their 2011 print catalog which goes to just about every gun shop and firing range in the country.

We hope to put up photos of students, friends, and pistol-training.com readers using their targets soon!

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Sweet! I got my 100 a couple of weeks ago. It’s nice to be able to get so much use out of one target. “Don’t throw that one away. I haven’t shot at the itty bitty dots yet!”

  2. Finally shot some of mine today. Forgot to take a picture of the first target before messing it all up with shots to the second target. I did some FAST runs, Press Six, X Drill, and it was real pretty. Next time. In the meanwhile, here’s what I’ve got.

    First: http://bit.ly/fwwE05
    Second: http://bit.ly/ggDqmT

    Thanks again, Todd. These are sweet targets!

  3. Picked mine up today. 6 went into mylar poster sleaves, tomorrow we start work at shooting the rest. Average class size is 12 people each week, so figure 2 targets each plus mine is 25 targets a week. Hmmm these aren’t going to last long. Guess I’ll be ordering more. Be nice if the new ones had your logo on them though. Will they be the same otherwise? Color, paper weight etc?

  4. Robbie — The ones you got don’t have the PTC logo? Every one I’ve seen has had the logo. Newer runs will probably also have the National Target logo.

    FWIW, with some judicious paster usage the targets last me a pretty long time. I might go through one target every 100-200 rounds of practice.

  5. These ones have your logo. I thought you’d mentioned the new ones wouldn’t. That irked me, but if they do I’m happy.
    My classes run 250-400 rounds depending on size and makeup of class. Gotta get more pasters I guess.

  6. Took mine out for a spin at the indoor range today. Got a couple of “nice targets” and “where’d you get those targets” comments.

    Would like to have hear “nice targets” and “nice shooting” but I guess that might come with time.

    Todd, do you have drill order to maximize the range time and target use?

    Again, thanks for making this happen.

    1. Jon — No real “order” but as a rule if you use the small zones first (the 2″ circles and the 1″ squares), you’ll likely still have a fairly clean target for working on the larger zones (3×5 and 8″).

  7. I’ve pulled up National Target’s website, but I don’t see these listed for purchase.

    Any time in the near future we might see these in stock?

  8. They have them in stock. Just ordered a batch to use at our next in-house training. They are not on the website. You have to call: 1-877-733-0433.

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