PR at Local Match

Just a small update since I know some of you are also shooting Action Pistol or would like to. JAG and I shot our local club match this week and my LTT P30L performed as well as ever. I shot a clean Mover, Plates and Barricade. My Practical ended up with a single 8 that dropped my score to a 1918, but since my previous best score was a 1910, this was a nice improvement. Some of the video didn’t come out as well as I would have liked, but here is a short reel covering most of the stages. Mover is separate but both can be seen below.


  1. congratulations !, great shooting, you guys are going to have to build an addition on the house soon for your trophy room lol

  2. I am not usually a fan boy, but that is just awesome. As someone who likes and has competed im action pistol I recognize what an achievement that is. Also, big time happy JAG is back at it.

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