Pre-SHOT Leak

Thanks go to LanceinOregon from the Crimson Trace forum for finding this photo of the soon-to-be-announced polymer framed revolver being introduced by Ruger at the SHOT Show later this week:



  1. WOW! Now that is innovation! The Ruger SP101 is a tank. This LCR, if it doesn’t include the stupid lawyer lock like S/W, will sell like hot cakes.

  2. Interesting. I’m trying to figure out why though. Is the plastic areas really saving that much in metal weight?

  3. Let’s wait and see. I like my SP101, but it kicks like a mule with hot loads. With the polymer frame, I bet the recoil will be like the S/W scandiums.

  4. HC — At the rate you’re going, I expect we’ll be seeing groups you shot from your own LCR by lunchtime today. 8)

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