Quick Update

Due to the winter storm that hit the Mid-Atlantic area over the weekend, the pistol-training.com command center (aka, my office) has been without power all weekend. We still don’t have internet access, so I am typing this from the dining room of Tower Oaks Lodge in Rockville, MD. None of which could possibly interest anyone…

  • If you’ve registered for a pistol-training.com class over the past few days, confirmations will be going out this afternoon. We apologize for the unavoidable delay.
  • Unfortunately, due to the weather, I’ve had to cancel my trip to Paul Howe’s Tactical Pistol Instructor class down at CSAT this week. Luckily, pistol-training.com contributor and resident genius Tom Jones will still be attending, so hopefully we can coax a review out of him.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. hey I see they’re hiring, maybe a part time gig while the weather sucks? Did I tell you it’s 15 degrees Celsius here and sunny right now? might even hit 19 they say. ahhh

    hope your power is back on soon dude, I’ve gone 9 days with no power in the middle of an ice storm, and know how much it sucks.

  2. At least we have power. We are up to a foot of accumulation and another 4-6″ overnight. This sux!! I was wanting to hit the range tomorrow evening, too.

  3. Todd, I am looking at trying to hit his instructor class in the fall. If you’d like to skip that one too I’d like a shot at being the top dog there …

  4. We lost power here for a while too. At least the Lodge is a nice place to hang out on a wintery day!

  5. Am I the only one concerned that Todd’s power outage has resulted in him going completely off-line? A full 10 days without an update on pistol-training.com is rare. Hope your power is back on soon.

  6. We’re alive! Long story short, we were without power for about three days and then without internet access for another seven or so. Things are back up and running and I’m getting to the range today for the first time in almost three weeks. Some new content should be hitting the site over the weekend.

    Thanks to everyone who sent emails and well wishes during our time trapped in the technological equivalent of the jurassic period.

  7. FAST Drill right off the bat, lets see what 3 weeks without shooting does to you!!!!

  8. 4.82 clean (1.56, .50 / 2.01 / .25, .25, .22)

    Followed by:
    5.27 clean (1.65, .57 / 2.43 / .21, .21, .20)
    I caught myself looking at the 3×5 card instead of the gun during the reload, fumbled the reload, and paid the price.

    and then:
    4.62 clean (1.55, .48 / 1.98 / .20, .22, .19)

    Regular speed & accuracy seemed to have suffered only a little bit, but I noticed real losses in one-handed accuracy and speed as well as my accuracy when shooting on the move.

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