Rangemaster Raises Over $1,700

This past Sunday, pistol-training.com was honored to play a role in helping the great folks from Rangemaster raise more than $1,700 towards childhood cancer treatment and research at the world renowned St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

The money was raised in part through a side match at the annual Rangemaster Tactical Conference. Competitors shot the F.A.S.T. drill three times, with the 3×5 head card surrounded with $20 bills. Missing the head meant hitting a $20, and every $20 a competitor shot cost him $20 towards the donation.

Congratulations to Wayne Dobbs of Texas for having the top score at the match with a very impressive 5.79. Other well known trainers such as Mas Ayoob, Andy Stanford, and Rob Pincus also participated.

Special thanks, in fact, go to both Rob Pincus as well as Spencer Keepers for their very generous “gaming” of the competition. Both guys were easily getting all of their 3×5 hits so on the last target, each of them very purposely took aim and hit a bunch of $20 bills, “forcing” them to pay into the donation pot. True gentlemen the both of them… though Spencer wasn’t quite the acrobat Rob proved to be. Video of Rob Pincus’s combat roll reload in the middle of the drill is available on his Facebook page… yes, seriously.

(edited to add: For those of you who don’t have Facebook, we’ve got an abbreviated version of the clip here.)

A few shooters earned places on the F.A.S.T. Wall of Fame, and those additions will go up sometime over the next couple of days along with a separate announcement here. Congratulations to all of you!

Our sincere appreciation to everyone who participated in the match and to everyone who donated to the cause after the match, as well. And of course, a hearty round of applause to Tom Givens of Rangemaster and David Barnes for turning a simple side match into an incredibly worthy cause.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Any chance for a Youtube link to the Combat Roll for those of us who resist the facebook?

  2. Todd,
    Is Andy Stanford still in the training
    business? I have read his book “surgical
    speed shooting”, but could not find his

  3. Joe — I couldn’t find a website for him, either, when I wrote the post. But yes, he is still actively in the training biz including being a consultant for Surefire.

  4. Thanks for the words, Todd… if you hadn’t thought up the idea, we wouldn’t have been able to feel good about missing.

    For those asking about Andy, he is “back”, though he never went too far away. In fact, he and his partner Ken taped some video stuff this AM in regard to their SSS program. Andy is also the training guy for Surefire Flashlights at this time.

    Thanks again, TLG. Good to meet ya and spend some time on and off the range.


  5. Todd,
    trade you my two plaques for your one.. 🙂

    seriously, Im bummed I didnt get a chance to shoot the FAST drill out there. Hope you get out here next year also.

  6. Good to meet you guys, and the drill was fun to shoot.
    Thanks for the trigger time on the German ubber .45 also.

    I obviously need lots of work on doing the FAST drill.

  7. Obviously, we’ll need to do it again at next year’s Tactical Conference! We’re already talking about ways to run things more efficiently in anticipation of lots more participants in 2011.

    And I won’t make Chuck hop on one foot next time… 8)

  8. Pincus will have to come up with a way to top his combat roll next year. That may have been the highlight of the weekend.

  9. I bet that was good.

    It sounds like a video camera needs to be handy when Rob is around so others can enjoy the fun.

  10. Tactical Conference Results

    On April 24-25, 2010, Rangemaster conducted the annual Tactical Conference/Polite Society Match at the wonderful facilities of the United States Shooting Academy in Tulsa, OK. USSA is the largest and most modern firearms training facility in the country, and is the perfect venue for our event. One hundred and fifty attendees came from literally all over the US, from Washington state to Maryland, Minnesota to Florida, and all points between.

    As usual, we had classroom, live-fire, and hands on training segments going on concurrently in several locations throughout the weekend. Attendees were able to sample training from a broad cross section of nationally recognized trainers, in a variety of subjects. In the classrooms, lectures were presented by Massad Ayoob, Skip Gochenour, Tom Givens, John Hearne, William Aprill, Glenn Meyer, Hany Mahmoud, and Martin Topper. Live-fire range training was conducted by Rob Pincus, Wayne Dobbs, Paul Gomez, Marty Hayes, and Will Andrews. There was hands on training by Southnarc, Mike Brown, and Steve Moses, plus airsoft scenarios in the shoot-house against live opponents, directed by Karl Rehn. Attendees were able to attend several classes of their choosing each day.

    We also conducted a tactical handgun match, consisting of a 60 round set of Standards, followed by three scenario based stages, two of which involved shooting in/around a car. The scenarios involved reactive mannequin targets, that look surprisingly real and fall only when struck solidly in the vital zone. A third match segment involved a live fire exercise in the shoot-house, run as a side match. The top ten shooters in the tactical handgun match were:
    Todd Louis Green 70.56
    Mike Cyrwus 71.15
    Wayne Dobbs 78.56
    Karl Rehn 82.06
    William Aprill 83.64
    Hany Mahmoud 83.78
    Randy Richardson 83.87
    Massad Ayoob 86.40
    Charles Cowden 87.80
    William Arnett 89.93 .

    The High Lawman for the match was Mike Cyrwus, and the High Lady was Joanie Webb.

    More shooting was done in a side match run by Todd Louis Green (pistol-training.com). Todd ran shooters through his FAST drill, with all entry money going to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, the leading research hospital in the world in the fight against childhood cancers. We raised $1,700 that was donated to St. Jude’s. The best time of the day was turned in by retired cop and trainer Wayne Dobbs of Texas, followed closely by Spencer Keepers and Massad Ayoob.

    At the conclusion of the event, plaques were awarded to a number of high scoring shooters, and there was a prize drawing for everyone with several thousand dollars worth of goodies, including a rifle, free classes, and lots of range gear.

    The Tactical Conference will be back at USSA in Tulsa for 2011. Details will be announced soon.

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