
What do you call a shot so close to a hit you need magnification to tell for sure that it isn’t touching the line?


A miss! It must be George Bush’s fault.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. I’ve always said that if I can’t tell from 5 feet away if it is a hit, then it is a miss.

  2. You sir are incorrect….according to our blusterous VP Biden, a well placed shotgun blast in the air is equivalent to the allies defeating Hitler so if you do the math that shot placement is better then 20 Trident ICBMs on the will of your attacker…just saying.

  3. I’m guessing this is someones coin attempt that came up about .01mm short.

  4. Jody — Nope. Just me shooting last week’s Drill of the Week and missing the 1″ square on my last WHO shot.

  5. It would have been a hit if you were shooting what all 1911s should be chambered in, .45 ACP 🙂

  6. What do you call a shot so close to a hit you need magnification to tell for sure that it isn’t touching the line?

    A reason to carry a .45. 😉

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