Ruger LCP Recall

For the second time this year, Sturm, Ruger, & Co. is recalling a new pistol due to a potential to discharge if dropped with a loaded chamber.

From the Ruger website:

Ruger has recently received a small number of reports from the field indicating that LCP pistols can discharge when dropped onto a hard surface with a round in the chamber. We are firmly committed to safety and would like to retrofit all older LCP Pistols. The retrofit involves installation of an upgraded hammer mechanism at no charge to the customer.

We want to remind gun users that, for maximum safety when carrying any pistol with a loaded magazine in place, the chamber should be empty, and the slide should be closed. Any gun may fire if dropped or struck.

How to determine if your pistol needs the retrofit: All LCP pistols bearing prefix “370” (that is, serial number 370-xxxxx) may be affected. Newly manufactured and retrofitted “370” prefix LCP pistols with the new hammer mechanism installed have been marked with a diamond in the flat portion of the slot just behind and below the hammer as show to the right. Going forward, new pistols will be marked with the serial number prefix “371” (serial number 371-xxxxx). Pistols with the “371” prefix are not affected.

Following the link to the recall notice provides you with information on how to register for the recall via the web, email, or by calling the 1-800 Ruger Recall Hotline. As with the SR9 recall earlier this year, Ruger is going to retrofit guns on a rolling basis, first come first served. The company claims that it is building the necessary replacement parts now and will begin accepting customers’ guns back soon.

While the recall only affects “370-” prefix guns, it is our understanding that all LCPs produced to date have the 370- prefix. So effectively, this recall involves every LCP on the market.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. I always love the “all guns should be carried with an unloaded chamber” statements!

    Twice in a year? That’s not setting a good precident.

  2. And all revolvers should also be carried with the hammer on an unloaded chamber. These statements are for liability purposes.

  3. How’d they manage to screw up a gun whose design they copied from another manufacturer???

  4. That, I forgot to add, went through its own growing pains, but this hammer problem wasn’t one of them.

  5. Actually, Kel-Tec has modified their P3AT to address this same issue. The difference is that Ruger is recalling all of the guns because they consider it a safety issue, while Kel-Tec simply made a running change and isn’t offering to fix any of the guns already on the street.

  6. I gave up on Ruger years ago after a long faught battle to “like” their “products”.

  7. I was utterly impressed with the way Ruger handled the LCP recall. Very little effort on my part other than a web form and packing it in the prepaid box. How many other American companies would do this for you? I shipped the gun and in less than 9 days its back in my hands with free cap/magazine and a nice letter from the CEO. This was a class act job by Ruger and I respect them for making amends with their products. Kudos to Ruger.

  8. How do you feel about having your pinky finger dangle off the bottom of the Ruger LCP? I can’t get used to it coming from full size pistols.

  9. It’s never caused me any problem. The gun is as controllable as I expect from something this size using a .380 round.

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