SERPA: Also Not Bulletproof

Possibly NSFW due to language:

Hopefully, next week he’ll hang that XD from the target and shoot it with a pistol that won’t malfunction.

(thanks to theblacknight on for finding this gem)

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. You should do an endurance test on an XD..

    Just because they seem to be popular.

    Hey, if they’re as bad as people say, the test shouldn’t last for long!

  2. I can’t see Todd making it through an XD test without at least one self inflicted GSW.

    Also, while a funny video – maybe you shouldn’t point a rifle at your hand, just sayin – That SERPA will get you any way it can.

  3. Maybe it is the RO in me but the carbine muzzle pointed at his hand made me cringe.

  4. I love this website, but that was the stupidest hillbilly stunt I’ve seen filmed in a long time. Is it really any wonder why so many politicians want to take our guns when we act like this? Is it any wonder so many voters support those politicians?

    If this redneck tried doing this on my range I’d kick him out and not let him come back.

    If you want to play games with guns get an airsoft.

  5. I agree with the other posters, not funny-just plain stupid. Hand in front of muzzle, shooting basically vertical into hard pack surface; and only inches away from a steel target stand. Just to prove he is a sheep and blaming poor gun handling on a holster.

  6. How many times did the Gen4 malfunction before Todd changed it’s extractor?

  7. Man, these damn Glocks are jamming more and more… I remember the days people calling them ak47 pistols and look at these peace of garbage now…
    Good kill!!!

  8. Typical “Keyboard Commando” posting his latest creation on YouTube. This does NOTHING but give guns & gun owners a bad name. I too was shocked to see hand in front of muzzle. I bet the guy who made this video has a family tree shaped like a wreath.

  9. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. His rifle was a painted airsoft version. I thought it was a funny video.

  10. If he was going for a movie/tv drama feel, it would be more accurate if the serpa happened to be sitting on a rock barely hidden by some surface dirt when he was shooting it from 10ft, causing a ricochet to hit the “interrogator” while the serpa makes it’s escape.

    I wouldn’t wish an accident on anyone, but that was a little spooky watching him shoot at it practically at his feet. The rifle portion doesn’t bother me as much… we never saw if the bolt was locked back, magazine out, etc since it was a tight cropped video sequence.

    Oh well… I guess no-one likes a safety nazi eh?

  11. I have a SERPA around here someplace. I’m fairly certain that, if I had to, I could get it into the trash can without violating a single one of the four rules. 😉

  12. Tam — And if a video of you doing so made its way to your site, it would get more hits than all these other vids combined. 8)

  13. @ tpanagioto you said Glock? you do realize this is was an Springfield XD in the video right?

  14. Sorry guys I did not… It’ s just the hate for glocks that pushed me to write the post Daniel is refering to…
    Sorry once again.

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