Sevigny + Gen4 + Glock 22 = 59.74

Dave Sevigny, captain of Team Glock and many-times world & national champion in USPSA, IPSC, IDPA, etc., etc., recently set a personal record on the IDPA Classifier. Must have been that F.A.S.T. Challenge Coin bringing him good luck, right?

For those who are not familiar with the Classifier, in order to make the rank of Master (the highest in the sport) one needs to have a total time, after accuracy penalties and procedurals, no higher than 98.82. The last time I shot the Classifier, about a year and a half ago during the M&P9 endurance test, I scored my personal best, 80.85.

Yesterday, Sevigny tried the Classifier with a new Gen4 Glock 22. Result: 59.74.

Here is the breakdown string by string:

Stage 1 Time Pts – Stage 2 Time Pts – Stage 3 Time Pts –
S1 1.63 S1 2.84 S1 8.42
S2 1.54 S2 2.55 S2 10.42
S3 1.51 S3 6.04 S3 3.61
S4 2.96 S4 3.40
S5 2.08
S6 4.09
S7 3.15
1.50 -3 2.00 -4 2.00 -4
Stage Total 18.46 16.83 24.45

That’s a total of eleven points down plus a raw time of 54.24 seconds, total, for all 14 strings of fire.

Here is the exact equipment Dave used:

  • Gen4 Glock 22
  • Atlanta Arms & Ammo .40 180gr JHP (major power factor load)
  • Kytac Belt Locker holster and Kytac MP-2 magazine pouches

On behalf of, I would like to congratulate the robot that Glock Inc. wants us to believe is a human, a.k.a. “Dave Sevigny” for this monumental achievement.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

(photo above is from 2007 IDPA Nationals and not from the Classifier record-setting run)


  1. W O W ! ! !
    2 kinds of pistols: Glocks, and everything else.
    2 kinds of shooters: Dave, and everyone else.
    Well Done Dave.
    BTW Todd, 80.85 is nothing to sneeze at either! I wonder what you would shoot w/ the Gen4. You ought to try it. Please post the results!

  2. Sick!

    What backstrap was Dave using (wondering if change in the ergos helped or if he just plain got faster)?

  3. …that’s damned impressive. With a .40 caliber Glock, no less. I don’t think the robot comment is fair, though. He could just as well be a mutant.

  4. Wow, I’ve only heard of one other sub-60s classifier.

    This implies some impressive things about the new generation, but if I were in Glock marketing, I would have stacked the deck a little:
    Let Dave have a Gen4 at least 6months early and practice the classifier regularly since its a standard course. When they’re finally released for sale, have Dave shoot with his “new” pistol at a sanctioned match for a reported score. (Don’t mean to imply they did that, just what I would have done.)

    I wonder when he last shot the IDPA classifier and what his time was then?

  5. I can guarantee that this is no publicity stunt by Glock. In fact, I’d be willing to bet no one in Glock’s marketing department even knows what the IDPA Classifier is or what a “good” score would be.

    JW777 — I hadn’t considered mutant. I asked Dave whether he was a robot or an alien and he never answered. Maybe you’ve hit on it?

  6. I’m gonna go with “mutant”. You’ll have to get more information from him, like whether or not he happens to spend immoderate amounts of time around a bald guy in a wheelchair and a dude with a funny haircut and cutlery coming out of his fists.

    What really impresses me is the speed he must be getting using a weapon with, in my experience anyway, pretty sucky recoil characteristics. His grip has to basically be flawless and his post-shot recoil amelioration techniques have to be exceptionally efficient…and all without getting that stuff ahead of the shot.

  7. Too bad there isn’t a video of this floating around. Mighty impressive shooting that’s for sure.

  8. Ben runs a pretty close Classifier time, for those who want to see what this kind of time looks like, here: I can’t imagine shooting that fast, my personal best is an 87.68 for SSP MA. There’s no way on God’s Green Earth that I could ever shave 30+ seconds off of my time.

    Dave is simply amazing!

  9. Guys, this wasn’t a contest nor was it Dave making any attempt to set a new world record. It was Dave taking a new gun (see below) and shooting the Classifier to gauge himself. If he was trying to set a new record he probably would have tuned up the gun — or at least broken it in it a bit — and he certainly wouldn’t have been using Major power factor ammo.

    Dave’s results are about only one thing, and that’s Dave’s ability to shoot the new Gen4 G22. He wasn’t shooting it so he could post the results, he was shooting it so he could see the results for himself. Apparently, he finds the IDPA Classifier a useful way to do that. The fact that he set a personal best was unexpected but obviously something he was happy about.

    As for the gun and Dave’s prior Gen4 shooting:

    * Dave had shot less than 300 rounds through Gen4 guns (G17 and G22 combined) prior to this range session.
    * He picked up this gun, new in box, from Glock the day before he shot the Classifier.
    * The only mods to the gun were the sights and the striker spring. While Dave normally polishes some of the trigger parts, he hadn’t even done that yet.
    * Dave uses the stock (small, no additional backstrap) grip size on the Gen4.

  10. Meh. I’ve done better.

    Oh yeah, that was a daydream I had that ended where all the hot chicks from my high-school (who haven’t aged a day) threw themselves at me after my record-setting run.

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