SIRT Pistol XMAS Discount

The great folks at NextLevel Training have provided a discount code for any reader interested in purchasing one of their SIRT laser dryfire training guns.  When ordering from their website through December 15th, just use coupon code “PISTOL-TRAINERXMAS” and get 20.5% off your order. Thanks, Brett!

As some of you know from reading my Training Journal at I’ve been a lot more serious about dryfire this month and the SIRT has definitely helped make my dry fire both more productive and, just as important, more fun.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. I notice the Student version is described as best for indoor/low light training and the Pro model is for outdoor lighting conditions but the description for the Pro doesn’t explicitly say the Pro is suitable for indoor/low light also. One would think. ??? When I have more time I’ll finish reading their FAQs to see if that is answered there. Then I’ll order one. Great deal.

  2. Still waiting for the M&P model to be released. Anyone have any updated info? Around February they said 6 months out.

  3. JHC — You can definitely use the Pro model indoors. I have two of them and they’re both Pros. The Student version is a low-cost option for folks who don’t want to pay for the green laser, which is really only necessary for outdoor stuff.

  4. Assuming you can, would you recommend replacing the sights on the SIRT pistol with the same sights you use on you standard Glock?

  5. 20.5% discount? Is that right? It is an unusual discount percent so I want to clarify the amount.

  6. The sights can be switched. They come with a plain black plastic rear and a plastic front with a white dot.

  7. Thanks Todd, I just ordered one. May order a 2nd when I check this one out. Not as a backup mind you. I have one shooter shipping out for Ft Sill and another to educate. 😉

  8. In the videos on the website, they discuss using the transition between red and green to diagnose if the shooter is taking up the slack before pressing the trigger, and resetting the trigger immediately after firing rather than holding it back. So that might be another reason to get the Pro, especially if you’re training others.

  9. Regarding the 20.5% discount amount, I emailed Next Level Training to ask a couple of other questions. The somewhat unusual percentage lessens the price of the Pro model to $349, which was their targeted amount.

    If any one is interested, the Glock 19/23 model is scheduled for a spring release.

  10. First of all, I am for anything that allows for more practice. Something like this, which can be done almost anywhere, is an excellent concept.

    The video showed some bits of a student with an instructor/evaluator, and also pieces where a shooter would practice alone.
    One question that I have is—is there a chance that accomplishing a lot of repetitions in “solo” mode would “teach” the shooter to look for their hits vs. watching and tracking the front sight?

    Don’t mean to ruffle feathers, and maybe I am off base.



  11. Bill — That question comes up a lot and is a very valid concern. The honest answer is that yes, it can lead to that issue if you use it the wrong way.

    Properly set up, the dot should be visible on the target when you are focused on the front sight. Your target is blurry but nothing is so blurry that a high intensity green or red laser dot will be invisible. The dot is the indicator that your gun was pointed where you intended at the moment the shot breaks. But you still maintain focus on your front sight.

    If instead you look at the target to see where the laser blinks, then you’ll form bad habits.

  12. Thanks, Todd.

    Yet another example of an excellent tool for someone who will discipline themselves to “do it right”–i.e.–> not get lazy and look strictly for the laser dot.

    Like any real training, performing the task correctly, while more difficult, pays better dividends when really needed.

    Thanks for a great place to read and learn.

  13. Wishing this was G19 sized so I could use it to train with my current holster set up.

  14. I just want to put in a plug for Next Level Training’s customer support. I managed to break a SIRT. I’ve had the thing for well over a year. I sent an e-mail to their folks. I got a response from their engineer on some troubleshooting fixes to try. When those didn’t work, the sent me a replacement straight away. Here’s the kicker. Since I’m deployed to AFG, postal regulations won’t let me send the busted SIRT back until I get home on R&R in March. They sent me the replacement knowing that. The SIRT is a first-rate widget, and NLT backs it up with over and above customer service.

  15. I’m also wishing this was already available in G19. I was really wanting one of these several months back but decided to wait for the G19.

    I hate to pass on this great discount code but think I’ll regret it if I don’t. I guess I will have to wait a little longer & pay a little more. Isn’t that the way it usually goes?

  16. VolGrad,

    Like you, I would prefer a Glock 19/23 sized model.

    But this deal was too good to pass up, so I went ahead and placed an order.

    I figure that I can get a couple of months use out of this until the newer models come out, and then sell this to help pay for the new purchase.

    With the current promotional discount, it’s possible I might not even lose money on the sale.

  17. I contacted NLT since I was curious about the M&P release, and the representative that responded to me said they’re planning to start production in Q2 2012.

    Looks like we have a while longer to wait. 🙁

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